Chapter 3. Temporal-Difference Learning, Q-Learning, and n-Step Algorithms
Chapter 2 introduced two key concepts for solving Markov decision processes (MDPs). Monte Carlo (MC) techniques attempt to sample their way to an estimation of a value function. They can do this without explicit knowledge of the transition probabilities and can efficiently sample large state spaces. But they need to run for an entire episode before the agent can update the policy.
Conversely, dynamic programming (DP) methods bootstrap by updating the policy after a single time step. But DP algorithms must have complete knowledge of the transition probabilities and visit every possible state and action before they can find an optimal policy.
A wide range of disciplines use the term bootstrapping to mean the entity can “lift itself up.” Businesses bootstrap by raising cash without any loans. Electronic transistor circuits use bootstrapping to raise the input impedance or raise the operating voltage. In statistics and RL, bootstrapping is a sampling method that uses individual observations to estimate the statistics of the population.
Temporal-difference (TD) learning is a combination of these two approaches. It learns directly from experience by sampling, but also bootstraps. This represents a breakthrough in capability that allows agents to learn optimal strategies in any environment. Prior to this point learning was so slow it made problems intractable or you needed a full model of the environment. ...
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