Arts-based development, 68–71
Assets, 56, 60, 61, 63, 65, 79, 82
Attraction, community, 72–76, 94–98
Belonging and love needs, 34
Business expansion, 101–102
Business recruitment, 100–101
Business retention, 101–102
Capacity building, 63, 64
Change, 2, 18–19
City growth, 28–32
assessment, 9, 96
attachment, 33
building, 59
capitalism, 72
chain, 64–65
challenges, 18–22
economic strength and vulnerability monitoring, 38–39
enterprises, 71, 105–107, 127
location decision factors, 94–95
marketing, 27, 101, 103–105, 104
money flow and wealth, 84–88
opportunities, 18–22
people rating, 32–34
reboot camp, xiv–xv
remote work, 22–23
strategic planning, 9
vision, 11, 46–48, 65–67
Community development, xvi
arts-based development, 68–71
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