Realm of Racket

Book description

In Realm of Racket you'll learn to wield Racket's mighty yet mind-bending power by reading comics and programming games.

Table of contents

  1. Dedication
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Preface (Hello World)
    1. Why Would I Want to Learn About Racket?
    2. Who Should Read This Book?
    3. What Teaching Approach Is Used?
    4. Can I Skip Chapters?
    5. Anything Else I Should Know?
  4. Introduction (Open Paren)
    1. (.1 What Makes Lisp So Cool and Unusual?
    2. (.2 Where Did Lisp Come From?
    3. (.3 What Does Lisp Look Like?
    4. (.4 Where Does Racket Come From?
    5. (.5 What Is This Book About?
    6. Halt—Chapter Checkpoint
  5. 1. (Getting Started)
    1. 1.1 Readying Racket
    2. 1.2 Interacting with Racket
    3. Raise—Chapter Checkpoint
  6. 2. (A First Racket Program)
    1. 2.1 The Guess My Number Game
    2. 2.2 Defining Variables
    3. 2.3 Basic Racket Etiquette
    4. 2.4 Defining Functions in Racket
      1. A Function for Guessing
      2. Functions for Closing In
      3. The Main Function
    5. Resume—Chapter Checkpoint
  7. 3. (Basics of Racket)
    1. 3.1 Syntax and Semantics
    2. 3.2 The Building Blocks of Racket Syntax
    3. 3.3 The Building Blocks of Racket Semantics
      1. Booleans
      2. Symbols
      3. Numbers
      4. Strings
    4. 3.4 Lists in Racket
      1. CONS Cells
      2. Functions for CONS Cells
      3. Lists and List Functions
      4. The CONS Function
      5. The LIST Function
      6. The FIRST and REST Functions
      7. Nested Lists
    5. 3.5 Structures in Racket
      1. Structure Basics
      2. Nesting Structures
      3. Structure Transparency
    6. Interrupt—Chapter Checkpoint
  8. 4. (Conditions and Decisions)
    1. 4.1 How to Ask
    2. 4.2 The Conditionals: IF and Beyond
      1. One Thing at a Time with IF
      2. The Special Form that Does It All: COND
      3. A First Taste of Recursion
    3. 4.3 Cool Tricks with Conditionals
      1. Using the Stealth Conditionals AND and OR
      2. Using Functions that Return More than Just the Truth
    4. 4.4 Equality Predicates, Once More
    5. 4.5 Comparing and Testing
      1. Writing a Test
      2. What Is Not a Test
      3. Testing in the Real World
      4. More Testing Facilities
    6. Call-with-current-continuation—Chapter Checkpoint
  9. 4½. (define define ’define)
    1. 4½.1 Module-Level Definitions
      1. Variable Definitions
      2. Function Definitions
    2. 4½.2 Local Definitions
    3. Abort—Chapter Checkpoint
  10. 5. (big-bang)
    1. 5.1 Graphical User Interface
    2. 5.2 Landing a UFO
    3. 5.3 Using big-bang: Syntax and Semantics
    4. 5.4 Guessing Gooey
      1. The Data
      2. The Main Function
      3. Key-Events
      4. Rendering
      5. Time to Stop
    5. Exit—Chapter Checkpoint
    6. Chapter Challenges
  11. 6. (Recursion Is Easy)
    1. 6.1 Robot Snake
    2. 6.2 A Data Representation for the Snake Game
    3. 6.3 The Main Function
    4. 6.4 Clock Ticks
      1. Eating and Growing
      2. Slithering
      3. Rotting Goo
    5. 6.5 Key-Events
    6. 6.6 Rendering
    7. 6.7 End Game
    8. 6.8 Auxiliary Functions
    9. Return—Chapter Checkpoint
    10. Chapter Challenges
  12. 7. (Land of Lambda)
    1. 7.1 Functions as Values
    2. 7.2 Lambda
    3. 7.3 Higher-Order Fun
    4. 7.4 Two More Higher-Order Functions
    5. 7.5 Derive This!
    6. 7.6 apply
    7. Break—Chapter Checkpoint
  13. 8. (Mutant Structs)
    1. 8.1 Chad’s First Battle
    2. 8.2 Orc Battle
    3. 8.3 Setting Up the World, a First Step
    4. 8.4 Action: How Structs Really Work
    5. 8.5 More Actions, Setting Up the World for Good
    6. 8.6 Ready, Set, big-bang
    7. 8.7 Initializing the Orc World
    8. 8.8 Rendering the Orc World
    9. 8.9 The End of the World
    10. 8.10 Actions, A Final Look
    11. Throw—Chapter Checkpoint
    12. Chapter Challenges
  14. 9. (The Values of Loops)
    1. 9.1 FOR Loops
    2. 9.2 Multiple Values
    3. 9.3 Back to FOR/FOLD
    4. 9.4 More on Loops
    5. Waitpid—Chapter Checkpoint
  15. 10. (Dice of Doom)
    1. 10.1 The Game Tree
    2. 10.2 Dice of Doom, The Game
    3. 10.3 Designing Dice of Doom: Take One
      1. Filling in the Blanks
      2. Simplifying the Rules
      3. End of Game
      4. Controlling the Game
    4. 10.4 How Game Trees Work
    5. 10.5 Game States and Game Trees for Dice of Doom
    6. 10.6 Roll the Dice
    7. 10.7 Rendering the Dice World
    8. 10.8 Input Handling
    9. 10.9 Creating a Game Tree
      1. The Game Tree
      2. Neighbors
      3. Attacks
    10. 10.10 The End Game
    11. Kill—Chapter Checkpoint
    12. Chapter Challenges
  16. 11. (Power to the Lazy)
    1. 11.1 Doomsday
    2. 11.2 Lazy Evaluation
    3. 11.3 Memoized Computations
    4. 11.4 Racket Can Be Lazy
    5. Delay—Chapter Checkpoint
  17. 12. (Artificial Intelligence)
    1. 12.1 An Intelligent Life-form
    2. 12.2 Lazy Games
    3. 12.3 Adding Artificial Intelligence
    4. Stop-when—Chapter Checkpoint
    5. Chapter Challenges
  18. 13. (The World Is Not Enough)
    1. 13.1 What Is a Distributed Game?
    2. 13.2 The Data
      1. Messages
      2. Previously Fabricated Structures
      3. Packages
      4. Bundles
      5. Mail
      6. iworld Structures
    3. 13.3 The Network Postal Service
    4. 13.4 Organizing Your Universe
    5. 13.5 Distributed Guess
      1. The State of the Client and the State of the Server
      2. The Server
      3. The Client
      4. Running the Game
    6. Error—Chapter Checkpoint
    7. Chapter Challenges
  19. 14. (Hungry Henry)
    1. 14.1 King Henry the Hungry
    2. 14.2 Hungry Henry, the Game
    3. 14.3 Two United States
    4. 14.4 Henry’s Universe
      1. Message Data and Structures
      2. Complex Numbers Are Good Positions
      3. A Day in the Life of a Server
      4. A Day in the Life of a Client
    5. 14.5 State of the Union
      1. State of Henry
      2. State of the House
    6. 14.6 Main, Take Client
      1. The Appetizer State
      2. The Entree State
    7. 14.7 Main, Take Server
      1. The Join State and Network Events
      2. The Join State and Tick Events
      3. The Play State and Network Events
      4. The Play State and Tick Events
    8. 14.8 See Henry Run
    9. On-disconnect—Chapter Checkpoint
    10. Chapter Challenges
  20. Conclusion. Good-Bye (Close Paren)
    1. ).1 Run Racket Run
    2. ).2 Racket Is a Programming Language
    3. ).3 Racket Is a Metaprogramming Language
    4. ).4 Racket Is a Programming-Language Programming Language
    5. So Long
  21. Index
  22. About the Authors
  23. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Realm of Racket
  • Author(s): Conrad Barski M.D., David Van Horn, Eight Students of Northeastern University, Matthias Felleisen
  • Release date: June 2013
  • Publisher(s): No Starch Press
  • ISBN: 9781593274917