Book description
Thoroughly updated, this fourth edition focuses on modern techniques used to generate synthetic three-dimensional images in a fraction of a second.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Contents
- Preface
- 1 Introduction
- 2 The Graphics Rendering Pipeline
- 3 The Graphics Processing Unit
- 4 Transforms
- 5 Shading Basics
- 6 Texturing
- 7 Shadows
- 8 Light and Color
9 Physically Based Shading
- 9.1 Physics of Light
- 9.2 The Camera
- 9.3 The BRDF
- 9.4 Illumination
- 9.5 Fresnel Reflectance
- 9.6 Microgeometry
- 9.7 Microfacet Theory
- 9.8 BRDF Models for Surface Reflection
- 9.9 BRDF Models for Subsurface Scattering
- 9.10 BRDF Models for Cloth
- 9.11 Wave Optics BRDF Models
- 9.12 Layered Materials
- 9.13 Blending and Filtering Materials
- 10 Local Illumination
- 11 Global Illumination
- 12 Image-Space Effects
13 Beyond Polygons
- 13.1 The Rendering Spectrum
- 13.2 Fixed-View Effects
- 13.3 Skyboxes
- 13.4 Light Field Rendering
- 13.5 Sprites and Layers
- 13.6 Billboarding
- 13.7 Displacement Techniques
- 13.8 Particle Systems
- 13.9 Point Rendering
- 13.10 Voxels
- 14 Volumetric and Translucency Rendering
- 14.1 Light Scattering Theory
- 14.2 Specialized Volumetric Rendering
- 14.3 General Volumetric Rendering
- 14.4 Sky Rendering
- 14.5 Translucent Surfaces
- 14.6 Subsurface Scattering
- 14.7 Hair and Fur
- 14.8 Unified Approaches
- 15 Non-Photorealistic Rendering
- 16 Polygonal Techniques
- 17 Curves and Curved Surfaces
- 18 Pipeline Optimization
- 19 Acceleration Algorithms
- 20 Efficient Shading
- 21 Virtual and Augmented Reality
22 Intersection Test Methods
- 22.1 GPU-Accelerated Picking
- 22.2 Definitions and Tools
- 22.3 Bounding Volume Creation
- 22.4 Geometric Probability
- 22.5 Rules of Thumb
- 22.6 Ray/Sphere Intersection
- 22.7 Ray/Box Intersection
- 22.8 Ray/Box Intersection
- 22.9 Ray/Polygon Intersection
- 22.10 Plane/Box Intersection
- 22.11 Triangle/Triangle Intersection
- 22.12 Triangle/Box Intersection
- 22.13 Bounding-Volume/Bounding-Volume Intersection
- 22.14 View Frustum Intersection
- 22.15 Line/Line Intersection
- 22.16 Intersection between Three Planes
- 23 Graphics Hardware
- 24 The Future
- Bibliography
- Index
Product information
- Title: Real-Time Rendering, Fourth Edition, 4th Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: August 2018
- Publisher(s): A K Peters/CRC Press
- ISBN: 9781351816144
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