# (vector), 18

#f (false), 5, 27

#false (false), 27

#t (true), 5, 27

#true (true), 27

λ (lambda), 42

ϕ (phi, golden ratio), 67

' (quote), 3

* (multiplication operator), 29, 30

+ (addition operator), 29, 30

- (subtraction, negative operator), 29, 30

/ (division operator), 29, 30

< (numeric less than), 33

<= (numeric less than or equal), 33

= (numeric equality), 12, 33

>= (numeric greater than or equal), 33

15 puzzle, 198-215


A* search algorithm, 200-204

abs function, 36

abstract syntax tree, 272

abstract syntax tree (AST), 276

accessor method (structs), 21

addition operator (+), 29, 30

admissible, 201

alphametics, 245

and function, 28

animation, 119-124

append function, 7

apply function, 43

arity, 310

assigning, 9

AST (abstract ...

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