Book 2

Getting Ready to Use QuickBooks

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Setting Up QuickBooks
    1. Planning Your New QuickBooks System
    2. Installing QuickBooks
    3. Dealing with the Presetup Jitters
    4. Running the QuickBooks Setup Wizard
    5. Identifying the Starting Trial Balance
  2. Chapter 2: Loading the Master File Lists
    1. Setting Up the Chart of Accounts List
    2. Setting Up the Item List
    3. Working with the Price Level List
    4. Using Sales Tax Codes
    5. Setting Up a Payroll Item List
    6. Setting Up Classes
    7. Setting Up a Customer List
    8. Setting Up the Vendor List
    9. Setting Up a Fixed Assets List
    10. Setting Up a Price Level List
    11. Setting Up a Billing Rate Level List
    12. Setting Up Your Employees
    13. Setting Up an Other Names List
    14. Setting Up the Profile Lists
  3. Chapter 3: Fine-Tuning QuickBooks
    1. Accessing the Preferences Settings
    2. Setting the Accounting Preferences
    3. Setting the Bills Preferences
    4. Setting the Calendar Preferences
    5. Setting the Checking Preferences
    6. Changing the Desktop View
    7. Setting Finance Charge Calculation Rules
    8. Setting General Preferences
    9. Controlling Integrated Applications
    10. Controlling Inventory
    11. Controlling How Jobs and Estimates Work
    12. Dealing with Multiple Currencies
    13. Starting Integrated Payment Processing
    14. Controlling How Payroll Works
    15. Telling QuickBooks How Reminders Should Work
    16. Specifying Reports & Graphs Preferences
    17. Setting Sales & Customers Preferences
    18. Specifying How Sales Are Taxed
    19. Setting the Search Preferences
    20. Setting the Send Forms Preferences
    21. Fine-Tuning the Service Connection
    22. Controlling Spell Checking
    23. Controlling ...

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