Showing the Behind-the-Scenes Process

If you run a company or nonprofit and find yourself always saying, “If only people could see how we do things!,” QR Codes are the tool for you. QR Codes aren’t just a bridge from the offline world to digital content. They can be a looking glass into a world that people probably never see — but should.

Say that you run a restaurant and you have a number of specialty items that take a good deal of time and care to prepare. This process is largely lost to the diner, who just sees a menu item and price. But by including a QR Code next to specific items on the menu, the diner can see right from her seat the chef’s early morning trip to the docks to pick the best fish, how carefully the fish is deboned and prepared for cooking, and how sparklingly clean the kitchen is.

These types of things deepen a diner’s appreciation for the meal and, perhaps, the steep price they may be paying for it.

9781118370711-ma07.tif Another place where details and process are appreciated is the premium beer industry, where customers are discerning and enjoy learning about the beer they’re drinking. Microbrewery WJ King owns the bragging rights as the first brewery in the world to put their head brewer into every pub. The brewery has added a unique QR Code to the pump clip and bottle label of each of its 25 beers. When you scan the QR in the left margin, you’re linked to a video featuring head ...

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