Chapter 2. Running Quantum Circuits

Qiskit supports running quantum circuits on a wide variety of quantum simulators and devices. We’ll explore relevant classes and functions, most of which are located in the following modules:


This module contains a basic set of simulators implemented in Python, which are often referred to as BasicAer simulators.


This module contains a comprehensive set of high-performance simulators, which are often referred to as Aer simulators.


This module contains classes that support these simulators as well as provide access to real quantum devices.

Regardless of the quantum simulator or device on which you choose to run a circuit, you may follow these steps:

  1. Identify the appropriate provider (either BasicAer, Aer, or a quantum device provider). A provider’s purpose is to get backend objects that enable executing circuits on a quantum simulator or device.

  2. Obtain a reference to the desired backend from the provider. A backend provides the interface between Qiskit and the hardware or simulator that will execute circuits.

  3. Using the backend, run the circuit on the simulator or device. This returns an object that represents the job in which the circuit is being run.

  4. Interact with the job for purposes such as checking status and getting its result after completing.

Using the BasicAer Simulators

As with any backend provider, a list of available BasicAer backends may be obtained ...

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