Appending to a file

Whenever a file is opened using the write flag w, the contents of the file are deleted and opened afresh to write data. There is an alternative flag a that enables appending data to the end of the file. This flag also creates a new file if the file (that is passed as an argument to open) doesn't exist. Let's consider the code snippet below where we append a line to the text file write_file.txt from the previous section:

if __name__ == "__main__":    # open text file to append   file = open('write_file.txt', 'a')    # append a line from the file   file.write('This is a line appended to the file\n')    file.close()    file = open('write_file.txt', 'r')    data =    print(data)    file.close()

When the preceding code snippet ...

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