Chapter 16. Advanced Swing

Terms in This Chapter

  • Abstract method

  • Array

  • Data model

  • Design pattern

  • Event listening

  • Functional decomposition

  • Hashtable

  • Helper method

  • Key/value pair

  • Main module

  • Object wrapper

  • Self-documentation

  • Tree model/node

Our coverage of Swing so far has focused on its differences from, and advantages over, AWT. But Swing is more than that. For example, it has some powerful GUI components, particularly JTable and JTree. JTable shows data in a table view, as in a spreadsheet; JTree displays data in a hierarchical view, as in Microsoft Windows Explorer.

In this chapter, we'll update the address book program, making it a JFC application that uses JTable. As we do this, we'll introduce other Swing components.

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