Chapter 9


1. Sun Tzu, Art of War.

2. In his review of Bimal Jalan’s book (The Future of India: Politics and Economics of Governance, New Delhi: Penguin, 2005), Sanjaya Baru observes that ‘Economics is not a science but an art, Jalan would tell me, and the essence of economic policymaking is politics. If politics is the art of the possible, I surmised, economics must be the art of the desirable. Those long years in office seem to have convinced economist Jalan that if economists have to deliver, one has to get the politics right. Governance, party politics, administrative systems, et al.’ (emphasis added). Sanjaya Baru, ‘Why We Can’t Go to 8%’, Outlook, 23 May 2005. It may be mentioned that Bimal Jalan has decades of experience in the government ...

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