Acronyms and abbreviations
- AC actual costs
- ADR alternate dispute resolution
- BAC budget at completion
- BAU business as usual
- CEO chief executive officer
- CIO chief information officer
- COO chief operating officer
- CPI cost performance index
- CPM critical path method
- CV cost variance
- D&C design and construct
- DCF discounted cash flow
- DSDM Dynamic Systems Development Method
- EAC estimate at completion
- EOI expression of interest
- EOT extension of time
- ETC estimate to complete
- EV earned value
- EVA earned value analysis
- EVM earned value management
- HRM human resource management
- IFB invitation for bid
- ISO International Organization for Standardization
- ITT invitation to tender
- KPI key performance indicators
- KRAC keep, remove, add, change
- MBTI Myers-Briggs Type ...