Project Management, 2nd Edition

Book description

The goal of the new edition is to continue with a systems view of the world. For a more robust and worldwide market dissemination, the new edition has changed to a reference book.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Series Page
  4. Title Page
  5. Copyright Page
  6. Dedication Page
  7. Table of Contents
  8. Preface
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. Author
  11. Quick Reference Formulas for Project Management
  12. 1. Systems Approach to Project Management
    1. Systems Control Framework
    2. Diversity of Organizational Performance
    3. Definition of Systems Engineering
    4. Project Systems Logistics
    5. Systems Constraints
    6. Systems Influence Philosophy
    7. Systems Value Modeling
    8. Example of Value Vector Modeling
    9. Management by Project
    10. Integrated Systems Implementation
    11. Critical Factors for Systems Success
    12. Early Systems Engineering
    13. DODAF Systems Architecture for Project Management
    14. Grand Challenges for Engineering
    15. Systems View of the Grand Challenges
    16. Body of Knowledge Methodology
    17. Components of the Knowledge Areas
      1. Step-by-Step and Component-by-Component Implementation
    18. Project Systems Structure
      1. Problem Identification
      2. Project Definition
      3. Project Planning
      4. Project Organizing
      5. Resource Allocation
      6. Project Scheduling
      7. Project Tracking and Reporting
      8. Project Control
      9. Project Termination
    19. Project Systems Implementation Outline
      1. Planning
      2. Organizing
      3. Scheduling (Resource Allocation)
      4. Control (Tracking, Reporting, and Correction)
      5. Termination (Close, Phaseout)
      6. Documentation
      7. Value of Lean Times
    20. Systems Decision Analysis
      1. Step 1. Problem Statement
      2. Step 2. Data and Information Requirements
      3. Step 3. Performance Measure
      4. Step 4. Decision Model
      5. Step 5. Making the Decision
      6. Step 6. Implementing the Decision
    21. Group Systems Decision-Making Models
      1. Brainstorming
      2. Delphi Method
      3. Nominal Group Technique
      4. Interviews, Surveys, and Questionnaires
      5. Multivote
    22. Systems Hierarchy
    23. D-E-J-I Model for Project Execution
    24. Design Stage of D-E-J-I Systems Model
    25. State Transformation in Project Systems
    26. Evaluation Stage of D-E-J-I
    27. Half-Life Computation for Learning Curves
    28. Justification Stage of D-E-J-I
    29. Integration Stage of D-E-J-I
      1. Computational Example
    30. Exercises
    31. References
  13. 2. Systems-Wide Project Planning
    1. Project Planning Objectives
    2. Time–Cost–Performance Criteria for Planning
    3. Systems Level of Planning
    4. Components of a Plan
    5. Motivating the Project Team
    6. Axiom of Theory X
    7. Axiom of Theory Y
    8. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
    9. Hygiene Factors and Motivators
    10. Management by Objective
    11. Management by Exception
    12. Project Feasibility Study
    13. Scope of Feasibility Analysis
    14. Contents of Project Proposals
      1. Proposal Preparation
      2. Proposal Incentives
    15. Budget Planning
      1. Top-Down Budgeting
      2. Bottom-Up Budgeting
      3. Zero-Base Budgeting
    16. Project Work Breakdown Structure
    17. Legal Systems Considerations
    18. Systems Information Flow
    19. Cost and Value of Information
    20. Triple C Model
      1. Communication
        1. Complexity of Multiperson Communication
      2. Cooperation
      3. Coordination
    21. Resolving Project Conflicts with Triple C
    22. Classical Abilene Paradox
    23. Exercises
    24. Reference
  14. 3. Project Systems Organization
    1. Environmental Factors in Project Organization
    2. Issues in Social and Cognitive Domains
      1. Leadership Development
      2. Preparing the Project Personnel
      3. Project Office
    3. Organizational Breakdown Structure
      1. Selecting an Organization Structure
    4. Formal and Informal Structures
      1. Span of Control
    5. Functional Organization
    6. Product Organization
    7. Matrix Organization Structure
    8. Mixed Organization Structure
    9. Alternate Organization Structures
      1. Bubble Organization Structure
      2. Market Organization Structure
      3. Chronological Organization Structure
      4. Sequential Organization Structure
      5. Military Organization Structure
      6. Political Organization Structure
      7. Autocratic Organization Structure
      8. Project Transfer Organization
    10. Organizing Multinational Projects
    11. Exercises
  15. 4. Project Systems Scheduling
    1. Fundamentals of Network Analysis
    2. Critical Path Method
      1. Rule 1
      2. Rule 2
      3. Rule 3
      4. Rule 4
      5. Rule 5
      6. Rule 6
      7. Rule 7
      8. Rule 8
    3. CPM Calculation Example
      1. Forward Pass
      2. Backward Pass
    4. Determination of Critical Activities
      1. Using Forward Pass to Determine the Critical Path
      2. Subcritical Paths
    5. Gantt Charts
      1. Gantt Chart Variations
      2. Activity Crashing and Schedule Compression
    6. PERT Network Analysis
      1. PERT Estimates and Formulas
      2. Beta Distribution
      3. Triangular Distribution
      4. Uniform Distribution
      5. Distribution of Project Duration
      6. Central Limit Theorem
      7. Probability Calculation
      8. PERT Network Example
    7. Precedence Diagramming Method
      1. Anomalies in PDM Networks
      2. Complexity of Project Networks
      3. Example of Complexity Computation
      4. Evaluation of Solution Time
      5. Performance of Scheduling Heuristics
    8. Formulation of Project Graph
      1. Depth-First Search Method
      2. Procedure to Detect Cycles in a Network G = (N, A) Using the dfs Method
      3. Activity-on-Arc Representation
    9. Exercises
  16. 5. Resource Allocation Systems
    1. Resource Allocation and Management
    2. Resource-Constrained Scheduling
    3. Resource Allocation Examples
      1. Longest-Duration-First
    4. Resource Allocation Heuristics
      1. Activity Time
      2. Activity Resource
      3. Time Resources
      4. GENRES
      5. Resource over Time
      6. Composite Allocation Factor
      7. Resource Scheduling Method
      8. Greatest Resource Demand
      9. Greatest Resource Utilization
      10. Most Possible Jobs
      11. Other Scheduling Rules
      12. Example of ACTIM
      13. Comparison of ACTIM, ACTRES, and TIMRES
    5. Quantitative Modeling of Worker Assignment
    6. Takt Time for Activity Planning
      1. Tips for Using Takt Time
    7. Resource Work Rate
    8. Work Rate Examples
    9. Resource-Constrained PDM Network
    10. Critical Resource Diagram
      1. Resource Management Constraints
      2. CRD Network Development
      3. CRD Computations
      4. CRD Node Classifications
    11. RS Chart
      1. CRD and Work Rate Analysis
    12. Resource Loading and Leveling
      1. Resource Leveling
      2. Resource Idleness Graph
    13. Probabilistic Resource Utilization
    14. Learning Curve Analysis
      1. The Log-Linear Model
        1. Average Cost Model
        2. Unit Cost Model
      2. Graphical Analysis
      3. Multivariate Learning Curves
        1. Bivariate Example
    15. Interruption of Learning
    16. Learning Curves in Health-Care Projects
    17. Exercises
    18. References
  17. 6. Project Control System
    1. Elements of Project Control
      1. Control Steps
      2. Formal and Informal Control
      3. Schedule Control
      4. Project Tracking and Reporting
      5. Performance Control
      6. Continuous Performance Improvement
      7. Cost Control
    2. Information for Project Control
      1. Measurement Scales
      2. Data Determination and Collection
      3. Data Analysis and Presentation
        1. Raw Data
        2. Total Revenue
        3. Average Revenue
        4. Median Revenue
        5. Quartiles and Percentiles
        6. Mode
        7. Range of Revenue
        8. Average Deviation
        9. Sample Variance
        10. Standard Deviation
    3. Control Charts
    4. Statistical Analysis for Project Control
      1. Sampling Techniques
        1. Sample
      2. Diagnostic Tools
    5. Probabilistic Decision Analysis
      1. Normal Distribution
    6. Decision Trees
    7. Project Control through Rescheduling
    8. Experimental Analysis for Project Control
      1. Personnel Interactions for Experimentations
      2. Need for Project Experimentation
      3. Experimental Procedure
      4. Types of Experimentation
      5. Hypothesis Testing
      6. One-Tailed versus Two-Tailed Hypothesis Testing
      7. Producer’s Risk versus the Consumer’s Risk
    9. Control through Termination
      1. Project Control Verification and Validation
        1. What Is Verification?
        2. What Is Validation?
        3. What to Validate
        4. How Much to Validate
        5. When to Validate
      2. Verification and Validation Stages
      3. Factors Involved in Validation
      4. How to Evaluate the System
      5. Sensitivity Analysis for Project Control
    10. Exercises
  18. 7. Modeling for Project Optimization
    1. Project Modeling
    2. General Project Scheduling Formulation
    3. Linear Programming Formulation
    4. Activity Planning Example
    5. Resource Combination Example
    6. Resource Requirements Analysis
    7. LP Formulation
    8. Integer Programming Approach for Resource Scheduling
    9. Time–Cost Trade-Off Model
      1. Maximum Flow Procedure
      2. Time–Cost Trade-Off Procedure
      3. Sensitivity Analysis for Time–Cost Trade-Off
      4. Knapsack Problem
      5. Knapsack Formulation for Scheduling
      6. Example of Knapsack Activity Scheduling
      7. Transportation Problem for Project Scheduling
      8. Balanced versus Unbalanced Transportation Problems
      9. Initial Solution to the Transportation Problem
        1. Northwest-Corner Technique
      10. Transportation Algorithm
      11. Example of Transportation Problem
      12. Transshipment Formulation
      13. Assignment Problem in Project Optimization
        1. Example of Assignment Problem
      14. Traveling Resource Formulation
      15. The 2-Opt Technique
      16. Shortest-Path Problem
    10. Goal Programming
      1. Resource Allocation Using Simulated Annealing
    11. Exercises
    12. References
  19. 8. Project Cost Systems
    1. Economic Analysis Process
    2. Simple and Compound Interest Rates
    3. Investment Life for Multiple Returns
    4. Nominal and Effective Interest Rates
    5. Cash-Flow Patterns and Equivalence
    6. Compound Amount Factor
    7. Present Worth Factor
    8. Uniform Series PW Factor
    9. Uniform Series Capital Recovery Factor
    10. Uniform Series Compound Amount Factor
    11. Uniform Series Sinking Fund Factor
    12. Capitalized Cost Formula
    13. Permanent Investments Formula
    14. Arithmetic Gradient Series
    15. Increasing Geometric Series Cash Flow
    16. Decreasing Geometric Series Cash Flow
    17. Internal Rate of Return
    18. Benefit–Cost Ratio
    19. Simple Payback Period
    20. Discounted Payback Period
    21. Fixed and Variable Interest Rates
    22. Amortization of Capitals
    23. Equity Break-Even Point
    24. Analysis of Tent Cash Flows
    25. Special Application of AGS
    26. Design and Analysis of Tent Cash-Flow Profiles
    27. Derivation of GTE
    28. Multiattribute Project Selection
    29. Utility Models
    30. Additive Utility Model
    31. Multiplicative Utility Model
    32. Fitting a Utility Function
    33. Polar Plots
    34. Analytic Hierarchy Process
    35. Cost Benchmarking
    36. Exercises
    37. References
  20. 9. Advanced Forecasting and Inventory Modeling
    1. Forecasting Techniques
      1. Forecasting Based on Averages
        1. Simple Average Forecast
        2. Period Moving Average Forecast
        3. Weighted Average Forecast
        4. Weighted T-Period Moving Average Forecast
        5. Exponential Smoothing Forecast
      2. Regression Analysis
        1. Description of Regression Relationship
        2. Prediction
        3. Control
      3. Procedure for Regression Analysis
      4. Coefficient of Determination
      5. Residual Analysis
      6. Time Series Analysis
      7. Stationarity and Data Transformation
        1. Moving Average Processes
        2. Autoregressive Processes
    2. Classical Inventory Management
      1. Economic Order Quantity Model
      2. Quantity Discount
    3. Calculation of TRC
      1. Evaluation of the Discount Option
      2. Sensitivity Analysis
      3. Wagner–Whitin Algorithm
      4. Notations and Variables
      5. Propositions for the W–W Algorithm
        1. Computational Example of W–W Algorithm
        2. Silver-Meal Heuristic
    4. Seasonal Pattern Modeling
      1. Modeling Approach
        1. Standard Cyclic PDF
        2. Expected Value
        3. Variance
        4. Cumulative Distribution Function
        5. General Cyclic PDF
        6. Application Examples
    5. Exercises
  21. 10. Multiresource Scheduling
    1. Scarcity of Project Resources
    2. Notations Used in the Methodology
    3. Analysis of Project Resources
    4. Resource Modeling Background
    5. Multiresource Methodology
      1. Representation of Resource Interdependencies and Multifunctionality
    6. Modeling of Resource Characteristics
    7. Resource Mapper
    8. Activity Scheduler
    9. Model Implementation and Graphical Illustrations
      1. Sequence-Based Scheduling and Function-Based Scheduling
    10. References
  22. 11. Case Examples and Applications
    1. Case Example: Project Systems View of World Economy
    2. Global Systems View of the World
    3. Economic Interdependence Model
    4. Hybridization of Cultures
    5. Market Integration as a Factor of Deterrent
    6. Pursuit of Global Awareness for the Sake of Deterrent
    7. Questions for Overseas Economic Engagement
    8. Questions for Assessing Local Conditions
    9. Questions for Economic–Cultural Nuances
    10. Questions for Geographic Awareness
    11. Questions for General Assessment
    12. Labor as a Vehicle of Mutual Development
    13. Awareness of Overseas Workforce Constraints
    14. Hierarchy of National Needs
    15. Prevention Is Better than Correction
    16. Empathy, Sympathy, and Compassion Instead of Apathy
      1. Educate
      2. Engage
      3. Empower
    17. Sustainability of Global Alliances
    18. Summary of the Case Example
    19. References
  23. 12. Emerging Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
    1. Artificial Intelligence in Project Management
    2. Background of AI
    3. The First AI Conference
    4. Branches of AI
    5. Neural Networks
    6. Expert Systems
    7. Embedded Expert Systems
    8. Conclusion and Projection
    9. References
  24. Index

Product information

  • Title: Project Management, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Adedeji B. Badiru
  • Release date: May 2019
  • Publisher(s): CRC Press
  • ISBN: 9781000007985