Chapter 10. Namespaces.Modules

When you write a program, you can express encapsulation at several levels. At the lowest level, functions encapsulate behaviors, and data structures like objects and lists encapsulate data. You might then group functions and data into classes, or keep them separate as namespaced utilities with a separate database or store for your data. A single class or a set of utilities per file is typical. Going up, you might group a few classes or utilities into a package, which you publish to NPM.

When we talk about modules, it’s important to make a distinction between how the compiler (TSC) resolves modules, how your build system (Webpack, Gulp, etc.) resolves modules, and how modules are actually loaded into your application at runtime (<script /> tags, SystemJS, etc.). In the JavaScript world there is usually a separate program that does each of these jobs, which can make modules hard to reason about. The CommonJS and ES2015 module standards make it easier to interoperate the three programs, and powerful bundlers like Webpack help abstract away the three kinds of resolution happening under the hood.

In this chapter we’ll focus on the first of these three kinds of programs: how TypeScript resolves and compiles modules. We’ll leave a discussion of how the build system and runtime loaders work with modules to Chapter 12 and talk here about:

  • The different ways to namespace and modularize your code

  • The different ways to import and export code

  • Scaling these ...

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