Chapter 19. Tools for Concurrency

Nearly twenty years ago, in the early 2000s, we hit the end of Moore’s Law for the performance growth of single-core CPUs. We’ve continued to scale performance through increasing numbers of cores and servers, trading vertical scaling for horizontal scaling. The multicore problem emerged as developers struggled to write robust applications that leverage concurrency across CPU cores and across a cluster of machines.

Concurrency isn’t easy because it usually requires coordinated access to shared, mutable state. Low-level libraries provide locks, mutexes, and semaphores for use on the same machine, while other tools enable distribution across a cluster. Failure to properly coordinate access to mutable state often leads to state corruption, race conditions, and lock contention. For cluster computing, you need to add networking libraries and coding idioms that are efficient and easy to use.

These problems drove interest in FP when we learned that embracing immutability and purity largely bypasses the problems of multithreaded programming. We also saw a renaissance of other mature approaches to concurrency, like the actor model, which lend themselves to cluster-wide distribution of work.

This chapter explores concurrency tools for Scala. You can certainly use any multithreading API, external message queues, etc. We’ll just discuss Scala-specific tools, starting with an API for a very old approach, using separate operating system processes.

The scala.sys.process ...

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