Chapter 12. Server-Side Scripting
“Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave”
This chapter is the third part of our look at Python Internet programming. In the last two chapters, we explored sockets and basic client-side programming interfaces such as FTP and email. In this chapter, our main focus will be on writing server-side scripts in Python -- a type of program usually referred to as CGI scripts. Server-side scripting and its derivatives are at the heart of much of what happens on the Web these days.
As we’ll see, Python makes an ideal language for writing scripts to implement and customize web sites, due to both its ease of use and its library support. In the following two chapters, we will use the basics we learn in this chapter to implement full-blown web sites. After that, we will wrap up with a chapter that looks at other Internet-related topics and technologies. Here, our goal is to understand the fundamentals of server-side scripting, before exploring systems that build upon that basic model.
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