
Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it.

– Samuel Johnson


  • != not equal 500

  • &

  • &&

    • move 494

    • rvalue reference 494

  • ()

    • application, operator 610

    • call, operator 610

    • initializer 46

    • vector initializer 72

  • *

  • *= scaling 40

  • +

    • addition 34

    • concatenation 36

  • ++

  • += 39

  • ->

  • .

  • /* comment 163

  • // comment 19

  • :: 144

  • ; semicolon 59

  • <<

    • output operator 19

    • user-defined 266

  • <

    • less than 500

    • less-than operator 58

    • order 604

  • = 494

    • == and 35

    • assignment 36

    • assignment ...

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