Chapter 3. Basics of client-go

We’ll now focus on the Kubernetes programming interface in Go. You’ll learn how to access the Kubernetes API of the well-known native types like pods, services, and deployment. In later chapters, these techniques will be extended to user-defined types. Here, though, we first concentrate on all API objects that are shipped with every Kubernetes cluster.

The Repositories

The Kubernetes project provides a number of third-party consumable Git repositories under the kubernetes organization on GitHub. You’ll need to import all of these with the domain alias… (not…) into your project. We’ll present the most important of these repositories in the following sections.

The Client Library

The Kubernetes programming interface in Go mainly consists of the library (for brevity we will just call it client-go going forward). client-go is a typical web service client library that supports all API types that are officially part of Kubernetes. It can be used to execute the usual REST verbs:

  • Create

  • Get

  • List

  • Update

  • Delete

  • Patch

Each of these REST verbs are implemented using the “The HTTP Interface of the API Server”. Furthermore, the verb Watch is supported, which is special for Kubernetes-like APIs, and one of the main differentiators compared to other APIs.

client-go is available on GitHub (see Figure 3-1), and used in Go code with the package name. It is shipped in parallel to Kubernetes ...

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