Appendix A. JavaScript Style Guide

You don’t need to know the arcane inner workings of JavaScript in order to do lots of useful things with it. However, if you plan to write an application with tens of thousands of lines of code, you’re going to need to explore a little deeper. Here you’ll explore some fundamentals that will help you build large applications that are still maintainable. For more on these subjects, I strongly recommend JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford.

Example Tests

In the real world, applications are fragile. When you change them, things often break, and you need an easy way to detect those broken things so you can fix them before your users are impacted.

Manual quality assurance is an expensive, time-consuming, and tedious process, and the larger your code base grows, the bigger the job gets. One commonly accepted solution to this problem is to write tests that assure your code does what you expect.

Tests can aid in debugging as well. Frequently when a large number of components interact (often indirectly), it’s difficult to tell which component a bug is hiding in. If you have a test suite, and one component breaks, you’ll be alerted immediately to which component isn’t behaving the way it was designed to behave.

Throughout this book you’ll see QUnit tests in examples to alert you to expected and actual behaviors. QUnit is a JavaScript unit test framework that generates clear, readable test output on whatever page you include it in. It’s the test suite used by jQuery.

It is safe to assume that all tests pass, unless you see a comment that says otherwise. For example:

var highPass = function highPass(number, cutoff) {
    if (number >= cutoff) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

  lowPass = function lowPass(number, cutoff) {
    if (number >= cutoff) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;

module('Filter Examples');

test('highPass', function () {
  ok(!highPass(2, 5), 'Lower values should not pass.');
  ok(highPass(8, 5), 'Higher values should pass.');

test('lowPass', function () {
  ok(lowPass(2, 5), 'Lower values should pass.'); // Fails
  ok(!lowPass(8, 5),
    'Higher values should not pass.'); // Fails

The first test passes the tests as written. The second test set fails because the logic needs to be inverted in lowPass():

if (number >= cutoff) {


if (number <= cutoff) {

QUnit Primer

This book demonstrates several QUnit functions:

  • module()

  • test()

  • ok()

  • equal()

The module() function allows you to group related functionality in your test output. The name parameter can be any string:


The test() function lets you name and define individual module tests. All assertions go inside tests:

test('Name', function () {
  // Your assertions here...

You can test the truthiness of an expression with ok():

ok(true, 'Description');

The first parameter can be any expression you wish to evaluate. If the expression is truthy, the assertion will pass. You can do anything you want with the description, but I like to write them like: Subject should verb. For example, “User should exist,” “Valid input should pass,” etc. If you find yourself writing “Subject should be...” consider using equal() instead.

The equal() function allows you to compare the equality of two values. For example:

var a = true;

equal(a, true, 'a should be true.');

Code Quality

When you approach JavaScript for application development, style becomes more important than it is in the context of one-off scripts. Code is more readable if code style and conventions are used consistently. That’s not to say that your style shouldn’t evolve as you hone your skills: rather, it should converge on a set of standards that other developers can learn and use.

Some style choices are arbitrary, but many best practices have emerged in the JavaScript community. In this section, we’ll cover a few of the more important style considerations you should be aware of.

Perhaps the easiest way to start converging on a code quality standard is to begin linting your code with a tool like JSLint. Linters scan your source code for syntax errors (and in the case of JSLint, some stylistic errors, as well).

The most obvious reason to use a lint tool is that it can be an extremely valuable debugging asset. Most bugs are the result of syntax errors. If a tool can help you eliminate all syntax-related bugs from your code quickly, you’ll see huge gains in productivity.

A few of the style choices enforced in JSLint have raised controversy in the JavaScript community, but even if you don’t agree with every point that the author, Douglas Crockford, makes about JavaScript style, it’s important to have a thorough understanding of why those choices were made.

More importantly, using an automated tool like JSLint is the best way to enforce a minimum level of code quality and style throughout the code base. In my experience, getting all the developers on the same page is worth a little sacrifice in style.

If you can make the trade-offs, what you gain in increased productivity is extraordinary. However, if you can’t make one or two of the trade-offs prescribed by JSLint, there is a tool for you, as well: JSHint. In JSHint, the rules are more flexible.


Think carefully before choosing to ignore the recommendations of JSLint. While some of them may seem arbitrary at first, they’re all there for a reason.

Best Practices Quick Reference

Any time somebody starts dictating style, there is an inevitable backlash. Douglas Crockford is famously unapologetic about the style dictation enforced by JSLint and firmly believes that everybody should be using it as he prefers to have it configured. I have a lot of respect for the work that he put into it, but my view on style is a bit more flexible.

Some of the recommendations here are more important than others, but all of them are about improving the quality and consistency of your code. As you learn new things over the years, you should learn better ways to accomplish those goals. This section is not meant to be taken as gospel. Instead, it’s meant to get you thinking and help you understand ways that you can improve the overall quality of the code you write. If your style never deviates from the style I recommend in this book, I believe that would be unfortunate. I don’t want to see JavaScript style stagnate; I want to see it improve over time as we learn new things as a community.

Indentation: Be Consistent

Tabs or spaces? It’s common for people to have very strong feelings, but both have their merits. Tab users say it saves them keystrokes, there are never any hidden whitespace characters, and tabs allow users to set their own indentation display preferences. Space users say that most editors will automatically substitute spaces for tabs and support “soft tabs” that have similar display characteristics to tabs. And you can line up your code better with more fine-grained control of your whitespace. All good points. Too close to call a clear winner.

What’s important is that you pick one and stick with it. If you’re working as a team, all members of the team should use the same standard.

Use Semicolons

There is a recent and growing movement in JavaScript circles to use a style that leaves off optional semicolons. When the JavaScript runtime encounters a condition where there should be a semicolon to make sense of the code but can’t find one, it inserts a semicolon automatically. This behavior is called automatic semicolon insertion (ASI).

The new style depends on ASI to produce valid JavaScript code for the engine to execute. In my opinion, this style should be avoided in the short term but maybe embraced in the long term.

The problem with the new style is not in the style itself. Provided you follow a few simple rules, it is a readable and viable. Less syntax is sometimes more.

The problem is that there are currently no automated lint tools that I am aware of which can ignore your missing semicolons when they’re not required but highlight the error cases where leaving out the semicolon will cause ambiguities that ASI can’t resolve. Lint tools are highly valuable, and missing semicolons are among the most common sources of bugs. I can’t recommend a style that would require you to abandon useful lint rules.

Whatever you do, don’t just leave all semicolons out. Sometimes, semicolons are required. The following tests all fail due to missing semicolons:

test('Missing semicolon before +', function () {
  var a = 1 + 1

  equal(a, 2,
    'a should be 2.'
  ); // Fails. a = 23

test('Missing semicolon before [', function () {
  var b = 1 + 1
  [1, 1].forEach(function (num) {
    b += num;

  // Error: Cannot call method forEach of undefined.
  equal(b, 4,
    'b should be 4.'); 

test('Missing semicolon before (', function () {
  var x = 1,
    f = function f () {
      ok(false, 'This test should not run.'); // Fails.

  (function () {
    /* Do something interesting. */

Bracket Placement: Right Side

Due to automatic semicolon insertion, brackets should always be placed to the right, on the line that begins the statement in the first getLocation().


var getLocation = function getLocation()
    x: 20,
    y: 20


var getLocation = function getLocation() {
  return {
    x: 20,
    y: 20

Avoid Name Collisions

The default scope for variables in JavaScript is global. Every other script on the page has to share that namespace. In order to prevent name collisions, your application should use as few global names as possible. Typically, that would be a single name for the application and possibly a handful of others for supporting libraries, such as jQuery and Underscore.

Wrong: x is global:

var x;
// Do stuff with x...

Right: x is local to the wrapping function:

(function myScript() {
  var x;
  // Do stuff with x...

This type of function wrapper is called an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE, pronounced “iffy”). For details, see Immediately Invoked Function Expressions.

Modules are the best way to avoid name collisions in JavaScript. See Chapter 4. The preceding code is an example of the module pattern described in the modules chapter, but there are several other types of modules, including AMD and Node-style modules.

Always Use var

If you forget to use the var keyword, your variable assignments will pollute the global scope.

Wrong: x is global:

var add = function add(number) {
  x = 2;
  return number + x;

test('Without var.', function () {
  equal(add(2), 4,
    'add() should add 2 to whatever you pass in.');

  // Fails
  ok(!x, 'x should not pollute the global scope.');

Right: function scope:

var add = function add(number) {
  var x = 2;
  return number + x;

test('With var.', function () {
  equal(add(2), 4,
    'add() should add 2 to whatever you pass in.');

  ok(!x, 'x should not pollute the global scope.');

Use One var Statement per Function

Because of the peculiarities with hoisting (see Hoisting), you should only use one var statement per function, at the top of your function. Some style guides disagree with me on this, but in practice, every time I see multiple var statements used as a matter of style on a team with several developers, variable declarations tend to slip down away from the top of the function, which opens the door to hoisting bugs.

Wrong: multiple var statements:

(function myScript() {
  var x = true;
  var y = true;
  /* do some stuff with x and y */
  var z = true;
  /* do some stuff with z */

Right: one var per function:

(function myScript() {
  var x = true,
  y = true,
  z = true;
  /* do some stuff with x, y, and z */

Avoid Constant Abuse

Constants are a class of types that allow you to specify names for values that never change. They’re used to express things like mathematical constants (like pi), fixed ratios (the number of seconds in a minute), etc. If a constant is able to change, it will likely break the code that relies on it. It is for this reason that in most languages, constants are immutable.

That is not the case in JavaScript. There is a const keyword coming to JavaScript, but it will likely be a few years before you can safely use it for cross-browser code. This hasn’t stopped people from faking constants in JavaScript, however.

The general convention is to use all caps to name constants. This convention is much older than JavaScript, and the well-understood meaning is, “You can count on this value to never change, and to never need changing.” Because you can’t count on fake constants to be constant, it’s probably better not to fake it at all. If you really need the value to be safe, store it in a closure and use a getter function to access it. See Closures.

More often than not in practice, I’ve seen fake constants abused for things that never should have been considered constant in the first place. It’s very common to confuse constants and configuration.

Code that employs constants instead of configuration tends to get more rigid and brittle as it grows. If you can’t configure a module, the same code tends to get rewritten with few differences, except for variable names and a few differences in constant declarations.

Employing configuration instead of constants allows you to reuse the code, instead of writing new code.

Wrong: abusing constants:

var createUserBox = function createUserBox() {
  var WIDTH = '80px',
    HEIGHT = '80px';

    return {
      width: WIDTH,
      height: HEIGHT

  createMenuBox = function createMenuBox() {
    var WIDTH = '200px',
    HEIGHT = '400px';

    return {
      width: WIDTH,
      height: HEIGHT

test('Avoid Constants', function () {
  var userBox = createUserBox(),
    menuBox = createMenuBox();
  equal(userBox.width, '80px',
    'userBox should be 80px wide.');

  equal(menuBox.width, '200px', 
    'menuBox should be 200px wide.');

Right: favor configuration:

var createBox = function createBox(options) {
  var defaults = {
    width: '80px',
    height: '80px'

  return $.extend({}, defaults, options);

test('Avoid Constants', function () {
  var userBox = createBox({
    width: '80px',
    height: '80px'

  menuBox = createBox({
    width: '200px',
    height: '400px'

  equal(userBox.width, '80px', 
    'userBox should be 80px wide.');

  equal(menuBox.width, '200px', 
    'menuBox should be 200px wide.');

Use Functional Iterators When Possible

JavaScript offers the capability to program in a functional style, meaning that you can pass functions as arguments to other functions and apply the passed in function to each element in a data resource (array or object). The technique is handy because it can make your code more readable, abstract away the looping mechanics, and keep the loop control variables isolated from your main function. That said, loops can give you finer-grained control, and there can be performance considerations when you’re looping over very large datasets.


var getCount = function getCount() {
  var i,
    count = [1, 2, 3],
    length = count.length,
    text = '';

  for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
    text += count[i] + ' ';

  return text;

test('Looping over an array:', function () {
  var text = getCount();

  equal(text, '1 2 3 ', 
    'getCount() should count to three.');

Better for most situations:

var getCount = function getCount() {
  var count = [1, 2, 3],
  text = '';

  count.forEach(function (number) {
    text += number + ' ';

  return text;

test('Functional iterator:', function () {
  var text = getCount();

  equal(text, '1 2 3 ', 
    'getCount() should count to three.'

Note that you don’t need to worry about the i or length variables in this version.

Even better: use the right utility for the job, and you can eliminate even more variables and avoid mutating variables outside the lambda:

var getCount = function getCount() {
  var count = [1, 2, 3];

  return count.reduce(function (previous, number) {
    return previous + number + ' ';
  }, '');

Functional iterators were added in ECMAScript 5, meaning that you’ll need to shim them to prevent throwing errors in older browsers. Here’s the MDN .forEach() shim:

// Shim .forEach()
if ( !Array.prototype.forEach ) {
  Array.prototype.forEach = function(fn, scope) {
    for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; ++i) { || this, this[i], i, this);


A shim is any code that wraps a standard API call in order to abstract it. Shims can be used to normalize cross-browser behavior. A polyfill is a shim that implements new standard features from JavaScript, HTML5, and related technologies using existing capabilities in order to deliver that new functionality to older browsers. To learn more about using JavaScript polyfills, search for any new feature in the JavaScript method descriptions on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN). Most of the new features include a complete or partial polyfill in the description. If you want to make it really easy, try the ES5-shim project.

The MDN documentation is perhaps the most thorough and authoritative online JavaScript reference. If you add the keyword “MDN” when you search Google for JavaScript features, it should pull up the MDN documentation instead of other much less reliable and much less complete references online.

Be Careful with if Statements

The results of type coercion in JavaScript can be difficult to predict, even when you know the rules. Here you’ll see how subtle differences in comparisons can lead to significant changes in the results.

Be careful when relying on truthiness for logic. Whenever possible, use comparison operators to clarify your meaning. Falsy values include:

  • 0

  • undefined

  • null

  • empty strings

  • false


Boolean objects instantiated with new Boolean(false) are truthy because they’re objects, and objects are truthy. In order to test against them you need to use the .valueOf() method. It’s better to use true and false instead.

Empty objects and empty arrays are truthy, including objects created with new Boolean(false).

Wrong: don’t use new Boolean():

var myBool = new Boolean(false);

test('Boolean object', function () {
  ok(!myBool, 'Should be falsy'); // Fails

  'Should be falsy.'); // Passes

Right: use true or false in your boolean declarations:

var myBool = false;

test('Boolean object', function () {
  ok(!myBool, '!myBool should be false.');

The following series of tests are meant to demonstrate how different types of comparisons in JavaScript that look similar can deliver very different results. Always be careful that you’re using the correct test for your situation:

function truthy(x) {
  if (x) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

test('Truthy', function () {
  // Falsy
  equal(truthy(0), true, 'truthy(0)'); // Fail
  equal(truthy(''), true, "truthy('')");  // Fail
  equal(truthy(null), true, 'truthy(null)'); // Fail
  equal(truthy(undefined), true, 
  'truthy(undefined)'); // Fail
  equal(truthy(false), true, 'truthy(false)'); // Fail

  // Truthy
  equal(truthy('0'), true, "truthy('0')"); // Pass
  equal(truthy(new Boolean(false)), true, 
  'truthy(new Boolean(false))'); // Pass
  equal(truthy({}), true, 'truthy({})'); // Pass
  equal(truthy([]), true, 'truthy([])'); // Pass
  equal(truthy([0]), true, 'truthy([0])'); // Pass
  equal(truthy([1]), true, 'truthy([1])'); // Pass
  equal(truthy(['0']), true, "truthy(['0'])"); // Pass
  equal(truthy(['1']), true, "truthy(['1'])"); // Pass

These are the falsy and truthy values we’ll use as a baseline for a series of other comparisons.


Often, developers will use if (x) when they really want to see if the value has been set at all. This is especially problematic when 0, empty strings, or false are valid values. In that case, you want the test to pass as long as the expression evaluates to anything other than null or undefined. A good rule of thumb is to only use if (x) to evaluate booleans or the existence of objects or arrays.

function exists(x) {
  if (x !== undefined && x !== null) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

test('exists', function () {
  // Falsy
  equal(exists(0), true, 'exists(0)'); // Pass
  equal(exists(''), true, "exists('')"); // Pass
  equal(exists(null), true, 'exists(null)');
  equal(exists(undefined), true, 'exists(undefined)');
  equal(exists(false), true, 'exists(false)'); // Pass

  // Truthy
  equal(exists('0'), true, "exists('0')"); // Pass
  equal(exists(new Boolean(false)), true, 
  'exists(new Boolean(false))'); // Pass
  equal(exists({}), true, 'exists({})'); // Pass
  equal(exists([]), true, 'exists([])'); // Pass
  equal(exists([0]), true, 'exists([0])'); // Pass
  equal(exists([1]), true, 'exists([1])'); // Pass
  equal(exists(['0']), true, "exists(['0'])"); // Pass
  equal(exists(['1']), true, "exists(['1'])"); // Pass

Of course, a shorter version of that function will return the same results:

function exists(x) {
  return (x !== undefined && x !== null);


The == operator can return some problematic results due to type coercion. For example, say you’re checking an array to be sure it contains a valid price, and some items cost $0.00. Your code could fail because ['0.00'] == false. Use === instead.

var isFalse = function isFalse(x) {
  return (x == false);

test('isFalse using ==', function () {
  // Falsy
  equal(isFalse(0), true, 'isFalse(0)'); // Pass
  equal(isFalse(''), true, "isFalse('')"); // Pass
  equal(isFalse(null), true, 'isFalse(null)'); // Fail
  equal(isFalse(undefined), true, 'isFalse(undefined)'); // Fail
  equal(isFalse(false), true, 'isFalse(false)'); // Pass

  // Truthy
  equal(isFalse('0'), true, "isFalse('0')"); // Pass
  equal(isFalse(new Boolean(false)), true, 
  'isFalse(new Boolean(false))'); // Pass
  equal(isFalse({}), true, 'isFalse({})'); // Fail
  equal(isFalse([]), true, 'isFalse([])'); // Pass
  equal(isFalse([0]), true, 'isFalse([0])'); // Pass
  equal(isFalse([1]), true, 'isFalse([1])'); // Fail
  equal(isFalse(['0']), true, "isFalse(['0'])"); // Pass
  equal(isFalse(['1']), true, "isFalse(['1'])"); // Fail

The following code will only return true if x is actually set to false:

var isFalse = function isFalse(x) {
  return (x === false);

The following function is dangerous, because it will return true for 1, [1], and ['1']:

var isTrue = function isTrue(x) {
  return (x == true);

Use === instead to eliminate the possibility of false positives.

Remember that if (x) will always return true when x is an object—even if the object is empty. It’s common to use ducktyping when you examine objects. (If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, treat it like a duck.) The idea is similar to using feature detection in browsers instead of running checks against the browser string. Ducktyping is feature detection for objects:

if (typeof === 'function') {;

Avoid Side Effects

In order to avoid unintended side effects, only assign to variables declared inside your function, or declared as formal parameters. See Minimize Side Effects.

Wrong: has side effects:

var x = 0;

function increment() {
  x += 1;
  return x;

test('increment() with side effects.', function () {
  var val = increment();

  equal(val, 1,
    'increment() should add one.'

  equal(x, 0,
    'x should be unchanged outside the function.'
  ); // Fails

Right: no side effects:

var x = 0;

function increment(x) {
  x += 1;
  return x;

test('increment() without side effects.', function () {
  var val = increment(x);

  equal(val, 1,
    'increment() adds one.');

  equal(x, 0,
    'x is unchanged.');

Wherever possible, you should avoid mutating objects declared outside your function. This isn’t always practical, but where it is, your code will be more reusable and less brittle (likely to break when unrelated code changes).

Use with caution: object-mutation side effects:

var obj = {
    value: 2

function setValue(obj, value) {
  obj.value = value;
  return obj;

test('setValue() with side effects', function () {
  var myObj = setValue(obj, 3);

  equal(myObj.value, 3, 
    'setValue() returns new value.');

  equal(obj.value, 2,
    'The original should be unchanged.'
  ); // Fails

Better: return a new object:

var obj = {
    value: 2

function setValue(obj, value) {
  // Note: extend() is jQuery.extend(),
  // Underscore .extend(), or similar...
  var instance = extend({}, obj);

  return instance;

test('setValue() without side effects', function () {
  var myObj = setValue(obj, 3);

  equal(myObj.value, 3,
    'setValue() should return new value.');

  equal(obj.value, 2,
    'The original is should be unchanged!'); // Passes

Don’t Use switch

JavaScript has pretty normal control-flow statements that use blocks delineated by curly braces. There is an exception to this: the switch ... case statement. The strange thing about switch ... case is that you must include the keyword break at the end of each case to prevent control from falling through to the next case. Fall through is a trick that allows you to let more than one case be executed. Control will fall through automatically to the next case unless you explicitly tell it not to with break. However, like the optional semicolons and curly braces, it’s possible to forget break when you really should have used it. When that happens, the bug is difficult to find because the code looks correct. For that reason, the break statement should never be left off of a case, even by design.

With that said, JavaScript has an elegant object-literal syntax and first-class functions, which makes it simple to create a keyed method lookup. The object you create for your method lookup is called an action object or command object and is used in many software design patterns.

Say you’re creating a game where the nonplayer fight actions are selected based on an algorithm defined elsewhere and passed in to doAction as a string. The switch ... case form looks like this:

function doAction(action) {
  switch (action) {
    case 'hack':
      return 'hack';

    case 'slash':
      return 'slash';

    case 'run':
      return 'run';

      throw new Error('Invalid action.');

The method lookup version looks like this:

function doAction(action) {
  var actions = {
    'hack': function () {
      return 'hack';

    'slash': function () {
      return 'slash';

    'run': function () {
      return 'run';

  if (typeof actions[action] !== 'function') {
    throw new Error('Invalid action.');

  return actions[action]();

Or, for input grouping (a frequent use case for the fall-through feature): say you’re writing a programming language parser, and you want to perform one action whenever you encounter a token that opens an object or array, and another whenever you encounter a token that closes them. Assume the following functions exist:

function handleOpen(token) {
  return 'Open object / array.';

function handleClose(token) {
  return 'Close object / array';

The switch ... case form is:

function processToken (token) {
  switch (token) {
    case '{':
    case '[':

    case ']':
    case '}':

      throw new Error('Invalid token.');

The method lookup version looks like this:

var tokenActions = {
    '{': handleOpen,
    '[': handleOpen,
    ']': handleClose,
    '}': handleClose

function processToken(token) {
  if (typeof tokenActions[token] !== 'function') {
    throw new Error('Invalid token.');

  return tokenActions[token](token);

At first glance, it might seem like this is more complicated syntax, but it has a few advantages:

  • It uses the standard curly-bracket blocks used everywhere else in JavaScript.

  • You never have to worry about remembering the break.

  • Method lookup is much more flexible. Using an action object allows you to alter the cases dynamically at runtime, for example, to allow dynamically loaded modules to extend cases, or even swap out some or all of the cases for modal context switching.

  • Method lookup is object oriented by definition. With switch ... case, your code is more procedural.

The last point is perhaps the most important. The switch statement is a close relative of the goto statement, which computer scientists argued for 20 years to eradicate from modern programming languages. It has the same serious drawback: almost everywhere I’ve seen switch ... case used, I’ve seen it abused. Developers group unrelated functionality into overly-clever branching logic. In other words, switch ... case tends to encourage spaghetti code, while method lookup tends to encourage well-organized, object-oriented code. It’s far too common to find implementations of switch ... case, which violate the principles of high cohesion and separation of concerns.

I was once a fan of switch ... case as a better alternative to if ... else, but after becoming more familiar with JavaScript, I naturally fell into using method lookup instead. I haven’t used switch ... case in my code for several years. I don’t miss it at all.

If you ever find yourself writing a switch statement, stop and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will you ever need to add more cases? (queue, stack, plug-in architecture)

  • Would it be useful to modify the list of cases at runtime, for example, to change the list of enabled options based on context? (mode switching)

  • Would it be useful to log the cases that get executed, for example, to create an undo/redo stack, or log user actions to your servers for analysis? (command manager)

  • Are you referencing your cases by incrementing numbers, for example, case 1:, case: 2, etc.? (iterator target)

  • Are you trying to group related inputs together with the fall through feature so that they can share code?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is almost certainly a better implementation that doesn’t utilize switch or its slippery fall-through feature.

Don’t Use eval()

The desire to use eval() should be considered a code smell (as in, “something smells fishy”). It’s a good indication that there is probably a better way to accomplish what you’re after.


You’ll often hear programmers say things like, “this smells,” or “something smells funny here.” They’re not talking about the garlic burger you had for lunch; they’re expressing that something doesn’t feel right about the code. Maybe a function is too long, or it’s doing too much. Maybe there’s a better, smarter, faster, or easier way to accomplish the same goal. Things like large inheritance trees and deeply nested logic send up red flags for experienced programmers. Those are code smells.

JavaScript is a very flexible, expressive, dynamic language with a lot less need for eval() than most other languages.

Most of what eval() can do for you can be done with code that is faster and easier to read. Using eval() forces the JavaScript engine to delay compilation of the eval() code, bypassing the usual code compilation flow and hindering compiler optimizations.

eval() can also poke holes in your security and allow cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Some good alternatives to eval() and its dopplegangers include square bracket notation and runtime object mutation. The eval() function should only be used with great caution, and only if it is absolutely the only way to accomplish your goal.

eval() is also prohibited in many places where application security is a concern. For instance, eval() is not allowed in Chrome extensions unless it’s sandboxed.


The eval() function has dopplegangers you should also avoid:

  • Passing a string to the Function() constructor

  • Passing a string value to setTimeout() or setInterval() (as opposed to a function reference or lambda expression)

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