Book description
MATLAB ® provides an interactive programming interface for numerical computation and data visualization making it the default framework used for analysis, design and research in many domains of science and industry. Programming in MATLAB ®: A problem-solving approach is intended as an aid to engineers and scientists with no prior programming expertise. The book focuses on the systematic development of practical programming skills through MATLAB language constructs, backed by several well-designed examples and exercises. Designed to be as much a MATLAB reference tool for researchers in varied fields as it is a guide for undergraduate readers, the book builds on the concepts sequentially as it progresses through the chapters. Each chapter is complete, independent of the book's remaining contents. Thus, for teaching purposes, one can suitably the relevant portions.Table of contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- Contents
- Preface
- About the Authors
- Acknowledgements
- 1. Introduction to MATLAB® Desktop
- 2. Matrix Operations and Applications
- 3. MATLAB® Graphics and Plotting
4. Control Structures, Loops, and File Handling
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Conditional Statements
- 4.3 Loops
- 4.4 Nested Loops
- 4.5 Breaking Control Structures (Break and Continue)
- 4.6 File Types in Matlab
- 4.7 Recording a MATLAB Session
- 4.8 Saving and Retrieving Workspace Variables and Spreadsheet Data
- 4.9 Handling External Files
- 4.10 File Handling (Specific Formats)
- 4.11 MATLAB Import Wizard
- Programming Tips and Pitfalls
- Summary
- Exercises
- 5. Scripts and Functions
6. Numerical Methods, Calculus, and Statistics
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Numerical Integration
- 6.3 Numerical Differentiation
- 6.4 Interpolation
- 6.5 Curve Fitting
- 6.6 Numerical Optimization
- 6.7 Linear Equations
- 6.8 Solution of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations
- 6.9 Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
- 6.10 Solution of Differential Equations Through ODE Functions
- Programming Tips and Pitfalls
- Summary
- Exercises
- 7. Using Memory Efficiently
- 8. Using the MATLAB® Debugger and Profiler
- 9. Efficient Coding Using Vectorization Technique
- 10. Precision and Errors
11. Advanced Concepts in Matlab®
- 11.1 Introduction
11.2 Symbolic Processing
- 11.2.1 Creating and Using Symbolic Objects
- 11.2.2 Expressions Involving Many Symbolic Objects
- 11.2.3 Variable Substitution
- 11.2.4 Algebraic Operations with Symbolic Expressions
- 11.2.5 Differentiation with Symbolic Expressions
- 11.2.6 Integration with Symbolic Expressions
- 11.2.7 Solving Algebraic Equations
- 11.2.8 Solving Differential Equations
- 11.2.9 Laplace Transform
- 11.3 Cell Arrays and Structures
- 11.4 Calling C Functions
- 11.5 Object Oriented Design
- Programming Tips and Pitfalls
- Summary
- Exercises
12. Modeling with Simulink®
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Creating a Simulink Model
- 12.3 Dealing with Complex System Equations
- 12.4 Creating Subsystems
- 12.5 Masking Subsystems
- 12.6 Using the Blocksets and Toolboxes
- 12.7 Linear State Space Model From Simulink Models
- 12.8 Running the Simulink Model Through the Command Line
- 12.9 Development of Graphical User Interface
- 12.10 Simulink Model File Formats (SLX and MDL)
- Programming Tips and Pitfalls
- Summary
- Exercises
- 13. Digital Image Processing
- Notes
- Copyright
Product information
- Title: Programming in MATLAB ®
- Author(s):
- Release date: January 2014
- Publisher(s): Pearson India
- ISBN: 9789332537484
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