18.6 Mocking Using Categories

In Section 13.1, Injecting Methods Using Categories, we discussed how categories provide controlled aspect-oriented programming (AOP) in Groovy. In this section we’ll see how we can use it to create mocks.

import​ com.agiledeveloper.CodeWithHeavierDependencies
class​ TestUsingCategories ​extends​ GroovyTestCase {
void​ testMyMethod() {
def​ testObj = ​new​ CodeWithHeavierDependencies()
use(MockHelper) {
assertEquals 35, MockHelper.result
class​ MockHelper {
def​ ​static​ result
def​ ​static​ println(self, text) { result = text }
def​ ​static​ someAction(CodeWithHeavierDependencies self) { 25 } ...

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