Chapter 12. Creating the Communication and Integration Case


  • Setting up a WCF solution for a communication and integration case

  • Configuring and working with WCF routing

  • Enabling a publish/subscribe pattern

  • Communicating with ASMX style webservices

  • Using the MSMQ binding

  • Implementing a REST based approach

This chapter is an interactive walkthrough about how to create a communication and integration case in Visual Studio 2010 using WCF. It starts with defining requirements for a case and shows how to develop the solution step by step. At the end of this chapter, you will have developed interfaces, hosts, and clients that interact with each other. This is a complete example — you test the process and see it working in action.


A global U.S.-based company sells its products to customers worldwide. Orders are entered in the U.S. headquarters but the products are shipped out of warehouses all over the world (Belgium, Argentina, and so on). The company has to integrate existing applications into different branches worldwide for order entry, order tracking, and local delivery management where different types of clients and services (legacy and new) communicate to fulfill the order.

An order is created at the U.S. headquarters using an existing order entry application. This application is not using WCF as it was developed before WCF was available. It uses queued messaging based on MSMQ to send a message containing the data for the order to other applications. ...

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