Understanding the New User Interface


  • Becoming familiar with web navigation
  • Understanding the new approach to layout
  • Identifying the different types of views
  • Become familiar with the new ribbon
  • Explore the backstage
  • Getting acquainted with SharePoint and Office365
  • Understanding layout in mobile devices

In this chapter, you become familiar with the new approach to the user interface introduced in Access 2013 web apps. As you learned in previous chapters, almost everything about web apps is a departure from prior versions of Access. This clean break from the past permitted Microsoft to refocus on how users interact with their apps in the browser and create an experience more in line with their expectations for web apps. You analyze the elements of the web interface, including both the surface and control elements in the web page, and the working surface. You see how the approach to layout in an Access web app adheres to design patterns and restrictions in the web interface. Along the way, you learn how web navigation is supported by the new elements and features of the user interface.

This chapter provides an introduction to the types of views available and how they relate to user interface requirements, although a more in-depth discussion of designing those views is reserved for Chapter 4. In the final sections of this chapter, you see how the backstage has changed from the previous version of Access. You learn how to exploit the tools and features it ...

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