PROC DOCUMENT by Example Using SAS

Book description

PROC DOCUMENT by Example Using SAS demonstrates the practical uses of the DOCUMENT procedure, a part of the Output Delivery System, in SAS 9.3. Michael Tuchman explains how to work with PROC DOCUMENT, which is designed to store your SAS procedure output for replay at a later time without having to rerun your original SAS code. You’ll learn how to: save a collection of procedure output, descriptive text, and supporting graphs that can be replayed as a single unit save output once and distribute that same output in a variety of ODS formats such as HTML, CSV, and PDF create custom reports by comparing output from the same procedure run at different points in time create a table of contents for your output modify the appearance of both textual and graphical ODS output even if the original data is no longer available or easily accessible manage your tabular and graphical output by using descriptive labels, titles, and footnotes rearrange the original order of output in a procedure to suit your needs After using this book, you’ll be able to quickly and easily create libraries of professional-looking output that are accessible at any time. This book is part of the SAS Press program.

Table of contents

  1. About This Book
  2. About The Author
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. Chapter 1: Introduction and Quick-Start Guide
  5. What Is an ODS Document?
  6. Life Before ODS Document
  7. Life with ODS Document
  8. Why Use an ODS Document?
    1. Why Not Manage Change with Office Software?
  9. Quick-Start Guide
    1. File Location
    2. Data
    3. Saving Output to an ODS Document
    4. Replaying Output.
    5. Subsetting Output
    6. Managing Output
    7. Changing Titles and Footnotes
    8. Using Folders
    9. Deleting and Overwriting Document Contents
  10. What Remains to Be Covered?
  11. Summary
  12. Chapter 2: The ODS DOCUMENT Destination
  13. Introduction
  14. Convention
  15. What Is the Output Delivery System (ODS)?
    1. Definition of the ODS Destination
  16. ODS without the Document Facility
  17. ODS with the DOCUMENT Destination
    1. Role of the DOCUMENT Procedure
  18. Reasons to Use the Document
  19. Naming ODS Output
    1. The ODS TRACE Statement
  20. Determining the Directory Where ODS Output Is Stored
  21. Implementation Details of the Item Store
  22. Controlling Output Using SELECT and EXCLUDE Lists
  23. Summary
  24. Chapter 3: The ODS DOCUMENT Statement
  25. Introduction
  26. The ODS DOCUMENT Statement
  27. The NAME= Option
    1. Example: Storing Output at the Top Level
    2. Comparing ODS TRACE Output to ODS Document Paths
  28. The DIR= Option
    1. Behavior of the Pathname
  29. The CATALOG= Option
  30. Using Access Options (Write and Update)
  31. Example: Reviewing Your Progress
  32. Summary
  33. Chapter 4: Listing Documents Using the DOCUMENT Procedure
  34. Introduction
  35. The DOCUMENT Procedure
    1. Terminology
    2. Directory Notation
    3. Root Level Directory
    4. Current Directory
  36. Invoking the DOCUMENT Procedure
    1. The NAME= Option
    2. The LABEL= Option
  37. Running the Document Procedure Interactively
  38. Access Modes
  39. The LIST Statement
    1. Simple Invocation of the LIST Statement
    2. Sequence Numbers
    3. LEVELS= Option
    4. Using the DETAILS= Option
    5. ORDER= Option
    6. BYGROUPS Option
    7. Warning: BYGROUPS Option Might Show No Output
  40. Using WHERE= Clauses to Conditionally View a Document
    1. WHERE Variables
  41. Examples
    1. Interlude
    2. Debugging WHERE= Clauses
    3. The WHERE= Clause and ODS Names
    4. Comparison with the ODS SELECT and EXCLUDE Statements
    5. _LABELPATH_ - Proceed at Your Own Risk
  42. The SETLABEL Statement
    1. Important: Labels Are Not Titles
  43. Summary
  44. Chapter 5: The REPLAY Statement
  45. Introduction
  46. How Replay Works
  47. REPLAY Statement Syntax
  48. Replaying to All Open Destinations
    1. The DEST= Option
    2. Replaying to Multiple Destinations
    3. Replaying in a Different Order
    4. The LEVELS= Option
    5. Overriding Titles with the ACTIVETITLE and ACTIVEFOOTN Options
    6. Replaying Using WHERE= Clauses
    7. Replaying Subsets of Output Objects
    8. Example: Reordering BY-Grouped Output
  49. Replaying Output with Temporary Formats
    1. Temporary or Permanent Formats?
  50. Summary
  51. Chapter 6: Managing Folders
  52. Introduction
  53. How ODS Document Folders are Different
    1. Absolute Pathnames
    2. Relative Pathnames
    3. Positioning Arguments
    4. When the TO Argument Requires a Sequence Number
    5. WHERE= Clauses and Directories
  54. The MAKE Statement
  55. The DIR Statement
  56. The RENAME TO Statement
    1. Renaming a Document
    2. Warning about Renaming Output Objects
  57. The COPY TO Statement
    1. A Common Mistake
    2. Copying Using the LEVELS= option
  58. The MOVE TO Statement
  59. Browsing Collections of Documents with the DOC Statement
    1. The LIBRARY= Option
    2. The NAME= Option
  60. The DELETE Statement
    1. Warning: You Cannot Delete the Current Directory
  61. The HIDE Statement
  62. Extended Examples
    1. Replay with the LEVELS= Option
    2. Listing Every Document in Your System
    3. Description of %alldocs Macro Arguments
  63. Managing ODS Documents via the Graphical User Interface.
  64. Summary
  65. Chapter 7: Customizing Output
  66. Introduction
  67. The Document Used in This Chapter
  68. Output Objects in an ODS Document
  69. Introduction to Context
    1. Example: A Context Reference Chart
  70. The OBPAGE Statement
    1. The OBPAGE Statement Might Be Ignored in Some Procedures.
  71. The OBTITLE Statement
    1. The SHOW option.
  72. The OBSTITLE Statement
    1. Using #BYVAL and #BYVAR Variable Values to Build a Custom Subtitle
    2. Example: Using the #BYLINE Variable Value
  73. Object Notes: The OBANOTE and OBBNOTE Statements
  74. Document Notes
    1. Adding Notes Using the TEXT Statement
    2. Adding Notes Using the DOCUMENT Procedure’s NOTE Statement
    3. Document Notes Compared with Object Notes
  75. The Final Version of the Example Document
  76. Summary
  77. Chapter 8: Exporting to Data Sets
  78. Introduction
  79. The Power of Combining the ODS OUTPUT Destination with the Document Facility
  80. The ODS OUTPUT Destination
  81. The ODS OUTPUT Statement
  82. The ODS OUTPUT Destination without the Document
  83. The ODS OUTPUT Destination with the Document
  84. Combining Data Sets from the Document
    1. Combining the OUTPUT and DOCUMENT Destination
  85. ODS OUTPUT and the DOCUMENT Procedure’s Data Sets
    1. Simple List Output
    2. Contents of the Document Data Listing
    3. Conditionally Executing the DOCUMENT Procedure with CALL EXECUTE
  86. The SASEDOC Engine
    1. Accessing a Directory of Output
    2. Applications of the SASEDOC Engine.
    3. The SASEDOC Engine and Sequence Numbers.
  87. Summary
  88. Chapter 9: Importing Data to the Document
  89. Overview
  90. The Document Is Not a SAS Library.
  91. The IMPORT Statement
  92. Data for Examples
  93. Importing a Data Set
  94. Importing Text Files
  95. Importing Data and Its Template to a Document
  96. Summary
  97. Chapter 10: Working with Links
  98. Introduction
  99. Creating a Link
    1. Source and Target
    2. Replaying Links
    3. The FOLLOW Option of the LIST Statement
    4. Orphaned Links
  100. Document Management Using Links
    1. Modifying PDF Bookmarks Using Links.
  101. Hard Links
  102. Summary
  103. Chapter 11: Working with Templates.
  104. Introduction
  105. What Is a Template?
  106. Terminology
    1. Template Store
    2. Template Search Path
    3. Template Access Mode
  107. Updated Document for Examples in This Chapter
  108. Defining Your Own Template Store
    1. Template Store Organization
  109. Exploring the Template System
    1. Example: Removing Automatic Page Breaks
    2. Modifying Template Definitions
    3. Undoing Template Changes
  110. Templates and the Document
    1. Identifying Templates in the Document Listing
    2. The OBTEMPL Statement
    3. Document Saves a Reference, Not the Actual Template
  111. Modifying the DOCUMENT Procedure’s Templates
    1. Styles
  112. Assigning a Custom Template to an Object in a Document
    1. The Custom Template
    2. Data Set Used
  113. Summary
  114. Appendix
  115. References
  116. Index

Product information

  • Title: PROC DOCUMENT by Example Using SAS
  • Author(s): Michael Tuchman
  • Release date: October 2013
  • Publisher(s): SAS Institute
  • ISBN: 9781629592510