The cross-PSD for random processes X(t) and Y(t) can be derived using the same approach used for SXX(ω). From Parseval's theorem, the power can be written as follows:
Substituting Fourier transforms gives
It is clear from the derivation for SXX(ω) that the steps are essentially the same here, leading to the following result which we state as a definition.
Definition: Cross-Power Spectral Density The cross-PSD of wide-sense stationary processes X(t) and Y(t) with cross-correlation function is
where ω is radian frequency.
(Note that some books define the cross-correlation function to be .) The other forms of the PSD with arguments f and s, as well as those for random sequences with arguments jω and z, can also be defined for the cross-PSD.
The cross-PSD of random processes {X(t), Y(t)} has the following properties. ...
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