Pro Windows 8.1 Development with XAML and C#

Book description

Windows 8.1 apps are revolutionizing development on the Windows platform. Fast, fluid, tactile and chrome-free, they provide a brand-new look and feel for Windows users.

These apps rely on Microsoft's Windows 8 modern UI to provide their rich and engaging user experiences for both desktop and tablet users. The new UI in turn relies upon the Windows Runtime (WinRT) to give its apps unparalleled flexibility and power.

Understanding this stack of new technologies and how they tie in to the proven C# language and the XAML standard is the subject of this book. Experienced writers Jesse Liberty, Phil Japikse, and Jon Galloway explain how you can get the most from Windows 8.1 by focusing on the features that you need for your project and bringing your existing C# coding knowledge to bear.

They begin with a nuts-and-bolts examination of how the technologies fit together and show you everything you need to get up and running with the new platform. Once you have a good understanding on the basics, you progress to more advanced topics steadily increasing your understanding as a whole. This holistic knowledge is essential to truly master Windows 8.1 development.

Each topic is covered clearly and concisely and is packed with the details you need to code effectively. The most important features are given a no-nonsense, in-depth treatment and chapters contain examples that demonstrate both the power and the subtlety of Windows 8.1.

What you'll learn

  • What Metro and WinRT are capable of and why they are special

  • Ways to use advanced features to create immersive and engaging Windows 8.1 applications

  • How to create applications that work seamlessly on tablets and desktops

  • How to prepare and deploy your Windows 8.1 applications

  • Who this book is for

    This book is suitable for anyone wanting to get to grips with Windows 8.1 development using the cross-platform standards of XAML and C#. Basic coding knowledge is assumed but no Microsoft-specific assumptions are made.

    Table of contents

    1. Title Page
    2. Dedication
    3. Contents at a Glance
    4. Contents
    5. About the Authors
    6. About the Technical Reviewers
    7. Acknowledgments
    8. CHAPTER 1: Getting Started
      1. Background
      2. Windows Design Guidelines
      3. Tooling
      4. Git
      5. NuGet
      6. Summary
    9. CHAPTER 2: Building Your First Windows 8 App
      1. Windows Architecture (For Developers)
      2. Creating Your First App
      3. Model View ViewModel (MVVM)
      4. Navigation
      5. Summary
    10. CHAPTER 3: Themes, Panels, and Controls
      1. Choosing a Theme
      2. Using Panels
      3. Working with Controls
      4. Understanding Dependency Properties
      5. Summary
    11. CHAPTER 4: Binding
      1. DataContext
      2. Creating a Simple Binding
      3. Data Binding Statements
      4. Binding Errors
      5. Binding to Elements
      6. Binding Modes
      7. UpdateSourceTrigger
      8. INotifyPropertyChanged
      9. Binding to Collections
      10. Data Converters
      11. Summary
    12. CHAPTER 5: Views
      1. The GridView and ListView Controls
      2. The Grid App Template
      3. The Split App Template
      4. Summary
    13. CHAPTER 6: Local Data
      1. Application Data
      2. Creating the Data Layer
      3. Local Data
      4. User-Specified Locations
      5. SQLite
      6. Summary
    14. CHAPTER 7: Remote Data and Services
      1. Remote Data Services
      2. REST to the Rescue
      3. Common API Formats
      4. ASP.NET Web API
      5. Accessing the ASP.NET Web API Service from a Windows 8.1 Client
      6. Consuming OData in Windows 8.1
      7. Summary
    15. CHAPTER 8: Search and Share Contracts
      1. Seaching
      2. Sharing
      3. Creating a Sharing Target
      4. Summary
    16. CHAPTER 9: Notifications
      1. Display Options for Notifications
      2. Delivery Options for Notifications
      3. Live Tiles
      4. Secondary Tiles
      5. Toast Notifications
      6. Push Notifications with Windows Notification Service (WNS) and Windows Azure Mobile Services (WAMS)
      7. Summary
    17. CHAPTER 10: Application Life Cycle
      1. The Three App States
      2. State Transitions
      3. Working with the Suspension Manager
      4. Building the Sample App
      5. Responding to App Suspension
      6. Responding to App Activation
      7. Summary
    18. CHAPTER 11: Making Money
      1. Monetization Choices
      2. Implementing Your Choice(s)
      3. Summary
    19. CHAPTER 12: Publishing Your App
      1. Signing Up for a Developer Account
      2. The App Submission Checklist
      3. Summary
    20. Index

    Product information

    • Title: Pro Windows 8.1 Development with XAML and C#
    • Author(s): Jesse Liberty, Philip Japikse, Jon Galloway
    • Release date: June 2014
    • Publisher(s): Apress
    • ISBN: 9781430240471