Book description
You’ve learned the basics of Python, but how do you take your skills to the next stage? Even if you know enough to be productive, there are a number of features that can take you to the next level in Python. Pro Python, Second Edition explores concepts and features normally left to experimentation, allowing you to be even more productive and creative.
In addition to pure code concerns, Pro Python develops your programming techniques and approaches, which will help make you a better Python programmer. This book will improve not only your code but also your understanding and interaction with the many established Python communities.
This book takes your Python knowledge and coding skills to the next level. It shows you how to write clean, innovative code that will be respected by your peers. With this book, make your code do more with introspection and meta-programming. And learn and later use the nuts and bolts of an application, tier-by-tier as a complex case study along the way.
For more information, including a link to the source code referenced in the book, please visit
Table of contents
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Contents at a Glance
- Contents
- About the Authors
- About the Technical Reviewer
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
Chapter 1: Principles and Philosophy
The Zen of Python
- Beautiful Is Better Than Ugly
- Explicit Is Better Than Implicit
- Simple Is Better Than Complex
- Complex Is Better Than Complicated
- Flat Is Better Than Nested
- Sparse Is Better Than Dense
- Readability Counts
- Special Cases Aren’t Special Enough to Break the Rules
- Although Practicality Beats Purity
- Errors Should Never Pass Silently
- Unless Explicitly Silenced
- In the Face of Ambiguity, Refuse the Temptation to Guess
- There Should Be One—and Preferably Only One—Obvious Way to Do It
- Although That Way May Not Be Obvious at First Unless You’re Dutch
- Now Is Better Than Never
- Although Never Is Often Better Than Right Now
- If the Implementation Is Hard to Explain, It’s a Bad Idea
- If the Implementation Is Easy to Explain, It May Be a Good Idea
- Namespaces Are One Honking Great Idea—Let’s Do More of Those!
- Don’t Repeat Yourself
- Loose Coupling
- The Samurai Principle
- The Pareto Principle
- The Robustness Principle
- Backward Compatibility
- The Road to Python 3.0
- Taking It With You
The Zen of Python
- Chapter 2: Advanced Basics
- Chapter 3: Functions
- Chapter 4: Classes
- Chapter 5: Common Protocols
- Chapter 6: Object Management
- Chapter 7: Strings
- Chapter 8: Documentation
- Chapter 9: Testing
- Chapter 10: Distribution
- Chapter 11: Sheets: A CSV Framework
- Appendix A: Style Guide for Python
- Appendix B: Voting Guidelines
- Appendix C: The Zen of Python
- Appendix D: Docstring Conventions
- Appendix E: Backward Compatibility Policy
- Appendix F: Python 3000
- Appendix G: Python Language Moratorium
- Index
Product information
- Title: Pro Python, Second Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: December 2014
- Publisher(s): Apress
- ISBN: 9781484203347
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