Interview Questions

The following interview questions should further consolidate what we have covered in this chapter:

  1. How does frame-by-frame animation differ from tweening animation?
  2. What Java class encapsulates frame animation in Android?
  3. How do you initialize an AnimationDrawable in an XML file?
  4. What methods are available on AnimationDrawable?
  5. What is layout animation?
  6. How do you define an animation in an XML file?
  7. What is an interpolator?
  8. How do you specify an interpolator in an animation?
  9. What are the four types of tweening animation?
  10. What is a list layout controller animation XML file?
  11. How is the android:layoutAnimation tag used for a ListView?
  12. How many built-in interpolators are available?
  13. What kinds of files can be found in the anim ...

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