Principles of Strategic Communication

Book description

Marking a paradigm shift in the field, this book presents the basic tenets of strategic communication and its foundational disciplines of advertising, public relations, and marketing communications. It is a core text for undergraduate students in strategic communication courses in media, communication, marketing, and advertising programs.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication Page
  6. Contents
  7. About the Authors
  8. Preface
  9. 1 Introduction to the Theory of Strategic Communication
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. What Is Strategic Communication?
    3. Why and How We Use Strategic Communication
    4. Agents and Domains of Practice
    5. What Is Communication?
    6. Strategic Communication Theory
    7. Summary
    8. Discussion Questions
  10. 2 Careers in Strategic Communication
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. “So, What Are You Going to Major In?”
    3. Career Paths, Specializations and Skills
    4. Getting the Job
    5. Adulting After College
    6. Summary
    7. Discussion Questions
  11. 3 The Concept of Strategy
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. Understanding the Concept of Strategy
    3. Steps in the Strategic Planning Process
    4. The Role of Communication in Strategic Planning
    5. The Role of Stakeholder Communication in the Strategic Planning Process
    6. Summary
    7. Discussion Questions
  12. 4 The Three Management Levels of Strategic Communication
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. The Three Levels of Strategic Communication
    3. The Impact of Macro-Level Sectors on Strategic Communication
    4. Organizational (Meso-) Level Factors
    5. Communication (Micro-) Level Factors
    6. Summary
    7. Discussion Questions
  13. 5 Ethics and Societal Issues in Strategic Communication
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. A Challenging Balance
    3. Ethics and Why They Matter
    4. Professional Codes of Ethics
    5. Social Impact of Strategic Communication
    6. Regulation of Strategic Communication
    7. Summary
    8. Discussion Questions
  14. 6 Research
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. The First Step in Strategic Communication
    3. Why Do We Need Strategic Communication Research?
    4. Ways of Knowing
    5. The Strategic Communication Research Process
    6. Summary
    7. Discussion Questions
  15. 7 Strategic Communication Planning
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. Making a Plan
    3. Strategic Planning
    4. Outside-In Planning
    5. Objectives, Strategies and Tactics
    6. Summary
    7. Discussion Questions
  16. 8 Stakeholders
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. Stakeholders
    3. Who Are Stakeholders?
    4. Segmentation
    5. Consumer Behavior
    6. Stakeholders and Their Diverse Nature
    7. Summary
    8. Discussion Questions
  17. 9 Message Tactics
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. Messaging
    3. Developing a Message Strategy
    4. The Five C’s of Storytelling
    5. The Creative Brief
    6. Executing the Message Strategy
    7. Summary
    8. Discussion Questions
  18. 10 Traditional Media
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. What Is Media?
    3. Different Types of Media
    4. Integrating Media
    5. Traditional Media Classifications
    6. Summary
    7. Discussion Questions
  19. 11 Evolving Media
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. Introduction
    3. Traditional Media and Technology
    4. Digital Media Giants and Their Impact on Legacy Media
    5. How to Leverage Evolving Media in Strategic Communication
    6. Summary
    7. Discussion Questions
  20. 12 Branding
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. Introduction
    3. Brand Elements
    4. Creating Brand Image
    5. Managing the Brand
    6. Summary
    7. Discussion Questions
  21. 13 Strategic Communication Campaigns
    1. Learning Outcomes
    2. Introduction
    3. The Campaign Process
    4. Elements of a Campaign Plans Book
    5. Campaign Budgeting
    6. Campaign Timelines
    7. Campaign Evaluation
    8. Summary
    9. Discussion Questions
  22. Glossary
  23. Index

Product information

  • Title: Principles of Strategic Communication
  • Author(s): Derina Holtzhausen, Jami Fullerton, Bobbi Kay Lewis, Danny Shipka
  • Release date: July 2021
  • Publisher(s): Routledge
  • ISBN: 9781000398434