Chapter 14
Practice Exam 1
Now it’s time to audition for the starring role in “Acing the Praxis Core.” It’s your chance to see how well you can perform on the practice exam in a mock test setting. Remember, Praxis makes perfect … we mean, “practice makes perfect.” When you take the following practice test, try your best to create a setting that’s similar to the one in which you’ll take the real Praxis. That means
- De-gadgetize! No cellphone, tablet, TV remote, and so on. However, you have access to an on-screen, four-function calculator when you take the Praxis math test, so you can keep a calculator handy when you reach the math practice test in this chapter.
- Find a quiet place to take the practice test — somewhere free from disruptions.
After you create a testing environment, adjust your mind-set:
- Make sure you’re aware of the amount of time allowed for each section so that you don’t spend too much time on one question.
- Focus on the concept that you’re being tested on and turn your radar on to identify key words that indicate the operation you need to solve the problem.
- Don’t leave any answers blank.
- Stay focused on your goal — to ace the Praxis Core. Have self-confidence because now is your opportunity to shine!
When you finish this audition, there shouldn’t be a need to call in an understudy. Make sure to go through the detailed explanations of the answers in Chapter 15. Pay close attention to the questions you missed. Go back and review the question, and then review the ...
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