Transcription conventions used
- Symbol
- (.)
short untimed pause
- (1.5)
time pause in seconds and tenths of seconds
- ((head nod))
double parentheses for description of events
- [((gesture))
left bracket double parentheses for embodied action
- word
italicizing for stress
- lo:::ng
colon(s) for vowel lengthening
- bold
louder than surrounding talk
- bold italics
- =
equal sign for latched utterances with no pause
- look-
dash for cut off utterances
- [((extends open palm))
below brackets for overlapping speech/gesture
- (B)
(B) in parentheses for beat underneath its accompanying word or phrase
Aikhenvald, Alexandra. 2004. Evidentiality. New York: Oxford U. Press.
Alexander, Jeffery. 2012. Trauma: A Social Theory ...
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