Chapter 2. ES6 Essentials

The sixth edition of the language comes with a plethora of non-breaking syntax improvements, most of which we’ll tackle throughout this chapter. Many of these changes are syntactic sugar; that is, they could be represented in ES5, albeit using more complicated pieces of code. There are also changes that aren’t merely syntactic sugar but a completely different way of declaring variables using let and const, as we’ll see toward the end of the chapter.

Object literals get a few syntax changes in ES6, and they’re a good place to start.

2.1 Object Literals

An object literal is any object declaration using the {} shorthand syntax, such as the following example:

var book = {
  title: 'Modular ES6',
  author: 'Nicolas',
  publisher: 'O´Reilly'

ES6 brings a few improvements to object literal syntax: property value shorthands, computed property names, and method definitions. Let’s go through them and describe their use cases as well.

2.1.1 Property Value Shorthands

Sometimes we declare objects with one or more properties whose values are references to variables by the same name. For example, we might have a listeners collection, and in order to assign it to a property called listeners of an object literal, we have to repeat its name. The following snippet has a typical example where we have an object literal declaration with a couple of these repetitive properties:

var listeners = []
function listen() {}
var events = {
  listeners: listeners,
  listen: listen

Whenever ...

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