Practical Linux Command Line 2.0

Video description

This Linux command line foundation will help you with anything IT-related: web or software development, data science, machine learning, robotics, system administration, etc. This is the building block you need in order to go in any other direction. And there are many things that look fancy but are a waste of time, especially when you begin. No need to learn 150 commands to get started. You can go a long way with just a few and a good understanding.

This course starts with a step-by-step on how to install Ubuntu on a virtual machine, with a minimal and clean setup. Once you have your Linux OS ready to be used, you will directly jump in and learn how to navigate and understand the Linux file system, create and manage your own files and folders, write into files using a command-line text editor (Nano), change files and users’ permissions, install and update software, monitor Linux processes and computer resources, and remotely connect to a Linux machine using SSH.

On top of all that, you will also learn how to improve your efficiency with the terminal, using auto-completion, pipes, search tools, keyboard shortcuts, multi-terminal setup, and more.

You will also look at the best practices and start off on the right foot with the Linux command line.

By the end of the course, you will have mastered the basics of the Linux command line and be confident with using the Linux terminal for your daily tasks. Use this solid foundation on any Linux-based projects in the near future.

What You Will Learn

  • Install all the essential software and set up the environment
  • Navigate in the Linux file system to create, remove, and copy files and folders
  • Edit files in the terminal with the help of the Nano text editor
  • Understand how to remotely connect to a Linux terminal with SSH
  • Use terminal shortcuts to go faster and apply best practices right from the start
  • Work with multiple terminal windows at the same time


This course is for complete beginners who want to really understand what to do and want to get the “why” behind the Linux command line. It will also benefit Linux users who want a quick and to-the-point refresher.

Anyone who wants to work in IT because, well, Linux command line is everywhere and you can’t just ignore it.

A computer and a strong will to learn are the only prerequisites for this course.

About The Authors

Edouard Renard: Edouard Renard is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and robotics teacher. He really enjoys teaching new technologies to people and making complex stuff easy to understand. His method is simple and consists of only three words: step by step. Edouard knows how hard it can be to learn a new topic and just be lost in an ocean of information without knowing what to do. In his courses, he makes sure that you learn one step at a time, through practice, and that you also learn the best practices.

He is passionate about robotics and found that it’s amazing how many cool projects you can do with a robot when you have the required programming knowledge.

Codestars: Codestars, by Rob Percival, is a revolutionary online learning platform on a mission to transform the way people learn to code. With a focus on simplicity, logic, and fun, Rob has empowered over half a million students through his courses.

Recognizing the need for diverse and comprehensive learning experiences, Rob established Codestars as a collaborative effort. Codestars provides learners of all ages and proficiency levels with the tools and knowledge needed to build functional websites and apps. By making coding accessible and enjoyable, Codestars aims to simplify the learning journey and unlock the potential of aspiring coders worldwide.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction to the Course
    1. Welcome
    2. How to Follow the Course
    3. Install Linux (Ubuntu on VirtualBox)
    4. Open a Terminal
  2. Chapter 2 : Navigate in the Linux File System
    1. Navigate in the Terminal (pwd, ls, cd)
    2. Tips: Autocompletion, History, Clear the Terminal
    3. Linux File System Overview
    4. The Home Directory
    5. Using Absolute Versus Relative Paths
    6. Show Hidden Files
  3. Chapter 3 : Work with Files and Folders
    1. Create and Manage Files (touch, rm, cp, mv)
    2. Create and Manage Directories (mkdir, rm -rf, ls -R, cp, mv)
    3. See What's Inside a File (cat, less, wc)
    4. Write Some Text Inside a File from the Terminal (Echo)
  4. Chapter 4 : Edit Files in the Terminal
    1. Edit a File in the Terminal with Nano
    2. Configure Nano (.nanorc)
    3. Create and Execute a Bash File
    4. Extra: Discover Vim
  5. Chapter 5 : Manage Users and Permissions
    1. What You Can and Can't Do as "Your User"
    2. Run a Command with Admin Privilege (sudo)
    3. Understand File Owner and Permissions (ls -l)
    4. Change a File's Owner (chown)
    5. Change a File's Permissions (chmod)
  6. Chapter 6 : Install and Update Software
    1. Install and Remove a Linux Package (apt, yum, brew)
    2. Update Existing Packages (update, upgrade)
    3. Extra: Use Snap on Ubuntu
  7. Chapter 7 : Become More Productive with the Command Line
    1. Find a Specific File by Name (find)
    2. Find Lines Containing a Pattern (grep)
    3. Pipe with Examples
    4. Linux Terminal Shortcuts
    5. Work with Multiple Terminals
  8. Chapter 8 : Monitor Processes and Resources
    1. Find and Kill a Linux Process (ps, grep, kill)
    2. Monitor Space and Power Usage (df, htop)
  9. Chapter 9 : Network and SSH
    1. Discover Basic Network Commands (ifconfig, hostname -I, ping, wget)
    2. Remotely Connect to Your Linux Terminal Using SSH
    3. Embedded Linux and Command Line - Quick Overview
  10. Chapter 10 : Scheduling and Automation
    1. Schedule Tasks with Cron Jobs
    2. Make a Program Start on Boot with Systemd
  11. Chapter 11 : Conclusion
    1. What to Do Next

Product information

  • Title: Practical Linux Command Line 2.0
  • Author(s): Edouard Renard, Rob Percival
  • Release date: June 2022
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781804612323