Chapter 9. Privacy and Practicality Considerations

Throughout this book, you’ve learned a number of different technologies and concepts in data privacy. You’ve used open source libraries and tools to implement some of them right out of the box.

But, as with most interesting problems in technology, data privacy has no one-size-fits-all solution. You’ll need to take what you learned in this book and figure out how it fits new use cases and problems you encounter in your work. You need to practice how to actually “see” these problems and how to apply the technologies and concepts for appropriate use cases.

In this chapter, you’re going to learn how to do just that. I’ll help you walk through several use cases with different privacy risk profiles and show you what a future-thinking solution could be. Walking through these examples will help you learn how to spot privacy risks and opportunities to improve current approaches. This chapter will help you approach use cases with a practical mindset—able to figure out how to tackle a privacy risk problem without veering into unnecessary complexity.

The first step will always require thinking about managing privacy risk in practical ways. Since it is unlikely that you can mitigate all privacy risks for all use cases, especially at organizations that hold personal data or that serve many customers, you need to determine how to communicate clearly about risk and manage it transparently.

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