V cone flow device, 259, 267–268, 269f
Vacuum, 83
breaker, 41
valve, 94–95
condenser, 30
service, 788
trip device, 99–100
Vacuum pumps, See Steam ejectors
Valves, 387–405
lift controller, 702
manifold, 790
position, 309
Vane/damper control, 415–416
Variable area
meter, 275–276
type, 283
Variable frequency drive (VFD), 21–22, 47, 598
Variable inlet vane, 415–416
Variable orifice type, 283
Variable pressure control, 701–702
Variable-pitch control, 46–47
Velocity probe, 313–315
Velocity-compounded impulse turbine, 76
Vena Contracta, 260
Vent system, 188
Venturi meter, 257–258, 260–261, 808
Verband der Elektrotechnik (VDE), 677
Vertical centrifugal pump, 112
Vertical roller mill, 55
Vibration level switch, 287
Vibration measurement, 102–103, 297–299, 298f
absolute vibration, ...

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