Best Self-Feedback

The other process Cameron offers is that of creating best self-feedback for people. Best self-feedback is a radical alternative to the common 360-degree feedback. The best self-feedback respondents don't assess the individual against a pre-set list of organizational competencies, but instead create pictures of the unique contribution of the individual to the organization and to the lives of those around him or her. Unlike 360-degree feedback which, in my experience, frequently elicits disappointment, embarrassment, confusion, frustration, anger and shame, and occasionally pleasant surprise, best self-feedback typically elicits pride, gratitude and aspiration. It is a positive organizational process.

The way it works is that a person asks 20 people (workmates, friends, family) to write three short anecdotes in answer to a positively phrased question such as ‘When have you seen me making a special or important contribution and what distinctive strengths did I display?’ or ‘When have you been most proud to know me, to call yourself my friend?’ So they write three stories about when they saw the person at their best. The person ends up with 60 short stories. The person analyses this positive information themselves. They draw out key themes that capture their best self-strengths and their unique contribution to create a best self-portrait. It is not easy to spot our own strengths, so this process can be a revelation to people as they begin to understand how and when ...

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