Podman in Action, Video Edition

Video description

In Video Editions the narrator reads the book while the content, figures, code listings, diagrams, and text appear on the screen. Like an audiobook that you can also watch as a video.

The next generation of containers is here. Learn Podman directly from its creator, discover its exceptional security features, and start managing rootless containers that integrate easily into your systems.

In Podman in Action you will learn how to:

  • Build and run containers in rootless mode
  • Develop and manage pods
  • Use SystemD to oversee a container’s lifecycle
  • Work with the Podman service via Python
  • Keep your containers confined using Podman security features
  • Manage containerized applications on edge devices

Podman in Action shows you how to deploy containerized applications on Linux, Windows, and MacOS systems using Podman. Written by Daniel Walsh, who leads the Red Hat Podman team, this book teaches you how to securely manage the entire application lifecycle without human intervention. You’ll quickly get to grips with Podman’s unique advantages over Docker, and learn how easy it is to migrate your Docker-based infrastructure. It also demonstrates how, with Podman, you can easily convert containerized applications into Kubernetes-based microservices.

About the Technology
It’s time to upgrade your container engine! The Podman container manager delivers flexible image layer control, seamless Kubernetes compatibility, and rootless containers that can be created, run, and managed by users without admin rights. Plus, its OCI-compliant support for the Docker API lets you shift existing containers to Podman without breaking your scripts or changing the way you work.

About the Book
Podman in Action introduces the Podman container manager. The easy-to-follow explanations and examples give you a clear view of what containers are, how they work, and how to manage them using Podman’s powerful features. You’ll get a deep look at the Linux components Podman uses and even learn more about Docker along the way. You’ll especially appreciate author Dan Walsh’s unique insights into container security.

What's Inside
  • Develop and manage pods
  • Key security concepts including SELinux and SECCOMP
  • Use systemd to oversee a container’s lifecycle
  • Keep your containers confined using Podman security
  • Manage containerized applications on edge devices
  • Install and run Podman on MacOS and Windows

About the Reader
For developers or system administrators experienced with Linux and Docker.

About the Author
Daniel Walsh is a senior distinguished engineer at Red Hat, and leads the team that created Podman.

Red Hat’s own master of container security beautifully explains this important container ecosystem.
- Michael Bright, @mjbright Consulting

Filled to the brim with examples and best practices.
- Mladen Knežić, CROZ

Showcases Podman’s architecture, advanced security features, rootless containers, integration with systemd, and much more. I highly recommend it.
- Andrea Monacchi, Chili.com

A must-read for anyone who wants to harness the power of Podman and the nextgen container ecosystem.
- Gowtham Sadasivam, Acceldata

Table of contents

  1. Part 1. Foundations
  2. Chapter 1. Podman: A next-generation container engine
  3. Chapter 1. A brief overview of containers
  4. Chapter 1. Why use Podman when you have Docker?
  5. Chapter 1. When not to use Podman
  6. Chapter 1. Sumarry
  7. Chapter 2. Command line
  8. Chapter 2. Working with container images
  9. Chapter 2. Building images
  10. Chapter 2. Summary
  11. Chapter 3. Volumes
  12. Chapter 3. Summary
  13. Chapter 4. Pods
  14. Chapter 4. Creating a pod
  15. Chapter 4. Adding a container to a pod
  16. Chapter 4. Starting a pod
  17. Chapter 4. Stopping a pod
  18. Chapter 4. Listing pods
  19. Chapter 4. Removing pods
  20. Chapter 4. Summary
  21. Part 2. Design
  22. Chapter 5. Customization and configuration files
  23. Chapter 5. Configuration files for registries
  24. Chapter 5. Configuration files for engines
  25. Chapter 5. System configuration files
  26. Chapter 5. Summary
  27. Chapter 6. Rootless containers
  28. Chapter 6. Rootless Podman under the covers
  29. Chapter 6. Summary
  30. Part 3. Advanced topics
  31. Chapter 7. Integration with systemd
  32. Chapter 7. Journald for logging and events
  33. Chapter 7. Starting containers at boot
  34. Chapter 7. Running containers in notify unit files
  35. Chapter 7. Rolling back failed containers after update
  36. Chapter 7. Socket-activated Podman containers
  37. Chapter 7. Summary
  38. Chapter 8. Working with Kubernetes
  39. Chapter 8. Generating Kubernetes YAML files with Podman
  40. Chapter 8. Generating Podman pods and containers from Kubernetes YAML
  41. Chapter 8. Running Podman within a container
  42. Chapter 8. Summary
  43. Chapter 9. Podman as a service
  44. Chapter 9. Podman-supported APIs
  45. Chapter 9. Python libraries for interacting with Podman
  46. Chapter 9. Using docker-compose with the Podman service
  47. Chapter 9. podman - -remote
  48. Chapter 9. Summary
  49. Part 4. Container security
  50. Chapter 10. Security container isolation
  51. Chapter 10. Linux capabilities
  52. Chapter 10. UID isolation: User namespace
  53. Chapter 10. Process isolation: PID namespace
  54. Chapter 10. Network isolation: Network namespace
  55. Chapter 10. IPC isolation: IPC namespace
  56. Chapter 10. Filesystem isolation: Mount namespace
  57. Chapter 10. Filesystem isolation: SELinux
  58. Chapter 10. System call isolation seccomp
  59. Chapter 10. Virtual machine isolation
  60. Chapter 11. Additional security considerations
  61. Chapter 11. Podman secret handling
  62. Chapter 11. Podman image trust
  63. Chapter 11. Podman image scanning
  64. Chapter 11. Security in depth
  65. Chapter 11. Summary
  66. Appendix A. Podman-related container tools
  67. Appendix A. Buildah
  68. Appendix A. CRI-O: Container Runtime Interface for OCI containers
  69. Appendix B. OCI runtimes
  70. Appendix B. crun
  71. Appendix B. Kata
  72. Appendix B. gVisor
  73. Appendix C. Getting Podman
  74. Appendix C. Building from source code
  75. Appendix C. Podman Desktop
  76. Appendix C. Summary
  77. Appendix D. Contributing to Podman
  78. Appendix D. Podman on github.com
  79. Appendix E. Podman on macOS
  80. Appendix E. Summary
  81. Appendix F. Podman on Windows
  82. Appendix F. Using podman machine
  83. Appendix F. Summary

Product information

  • Title: Podman in Action, Video Edition
  • Author(s): Daniel Walsh
  • Release date: February 2023
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: None