This book would not have been possible without the help of countless people whom we have been fortunate enough to meet through podcasting. Special thanks to Adam Curry; Doug Kaye ("IT Conversations"); Paul Figgiani ("The Point"); Dawn and Drew ("The Dawn and Drew Show"); Brian Ibbott ("Coverville"); Dave Slusher ("The Evil Genius Chronicles"); Michael Butler ("Rock and Roll Geek Show"); Craig Patchett (The Godcast Network); Chris McIntyre (Podcast Alley); Gary Leland (; Brian Clark, Jay Selman, and Eric Anderson ("Grape Radio"); all the great bands of "Old Wave Radio: New 80's Music; Ray Slakinski; August Trometer; Jennifer Sanchez; Sam Levin; Tim Bourquin (Podcast and New Media Expo); Emile Bourquin ("Podcast ...

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