Installing the ColdFusion Application Server

As noted earlier in this chapter, the ColdFusion Application Server can run on both Windows NT/98/2000, Solaris, and Linux platforms. On a Windows server, ColdFusion is compatible with the following kinds of HTTP servers:

  • Netscape servers, such as FastTrack or Enterprise

  • Microsoft servers, such as Internet Information Server (IIS), Peer Web Services, or Personal Web Server (PWS)

  • O'Reilly WebSite Pro

  • Apache for Windows NT

If you're installing ColdFusion on a Solaris machine, it will need to be running with one of the following Web servers:

  • Apache

  • Netscape Enterprise or FastTrack servers

Although there are many LINUX distributors, Allaire will only support ColdFusion installed on RedHat Linux, version 6.0 ...

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