VBScript Functions

VBScript has an assortment of intrinsic functions that you can use in your scripts. The VBScript documentation on the Microsoft Web site contains a full reference for these functions. Table 32.3 shows the functions that exist for performing different types of operations. (Because you can use some functions for several types of operations, they appear multiple times in the table.)

Table 32.3. VBScript Functions
Type of Operation Function Names
Array operations IsArray, LBound, UBound
Conversions Abs, Asc, AscB, AscW, Chr, ChrB, ChrW, Cbool, CByte, CDate, CDbl, CInt, CLng, CSng, Cstr, DateSerial, DateValue, Hex, Oct, Fix, Int, Sgn, TimeSerial, TimeValue
Dates and times Date, Time, DateSerial, DateValue, Day, Month, Weekday,

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