Platform Engineering on Kubernetes, Video Edition

Video description

In Video Editions the narrator reads the book while the content, figures, code listings, diagrams, and text appear on the screen. Like an audiobook that you can also watch as a video.

Empower your team with platforms built on top of Kubernetes using open source tools.

Adopting Kubernetes is complex—especially when you’re working in an organization with multiple teams, deploying to multiple cloud providers, and working with different stacks. Platform Engineering on Kubernetes shows you how to solve these common cloud native problems with open-source tools and emerging best practices from the Kubernetes community.

In Platform Engineering on Kubernetes you will learn about:

  • The principles behind platform engineering and how these apply to Kubernetes
  • Evaluating and adopting open-source projects to build domain specific platforms
  • Creating Platform APIs to enable teams to release more software more efficiently
  • Reducing the cognitive load of a platform for your teams
  • Measuring your platform initiatives using established software delivery metrics
  • Package, version, distribute, and deploy with Helm, Tekton, Dagger and Argo CD
  • Implement a multi-cloud infrastructure strategy using Crossplane
  • Progressive upgrades with Knative Serving and Argo Rollouts
  • Enable development teams with standard application-level APIs with Dapr

A platform helps your team stay focused on delivering amazing software. But building a reliable platform on top of Kubernetes demands real expertise. Platform Engineering on Kubernetes reveals how to combine multiple popular open-source projects into a custom platform that works for your applications and your teams. It’s the perfect guide for your organization’s journey to Kubernetes, simplifying cloud native development for your dev teams and helping them deliver software faster.

About the Technology
Kubernetes is an amazing orchestration tool, but it’s just the start of your journey to the cloud. To efficiently deliver cloud-native software, your team needs a solid build pipeline, an efficient package manager and distribution mechanism, and APIs that reduce your team’s cognitive load. This book will show you how to build custom platforms on top of Kubernetes—all with open-source tools such as Dapr, Knative, Argo CD and Rollouts, and Tekton.

About the Book
Platform Engineering on Kubernetes starts by clearly defining the elements of a great Kubernetes-based platform. Then, it systematically introduces the tools you’ll need to build a platform that exactly matches your organization’s requirements. Hands-on examples and detailed code guide you through each step. By the end, you’ll be able to create a complete platform to efficiently deliver cloud-native software without being tied to a specific cloud provider or vendor.

What's Inside
  • Package, version, distribute, and deploy with Helm, Tekton, Dagger and Argo CD
  • Implement a multi-cloud infrastructure strategy using Crossplane
  • Progressive upgrades with Knative Serving and Argo Rollouts
  • Enable development teams with standard application-level APIs with Dapr

About the Reader
For developers and software architects familiar with the basics of containers and Kubernetes.

About the Author
Mauricio Salatino is currently a Dapr OSS Contributor, a Knative Steering Committee member, and co-lead of the Knative Functions working group.

An engaging and captivating hands-on exploration of the CNCF landscape through the prism of platform engineering.
- Viktor Farcic, Upbound/@DevOpsToolkit

The book is a reflection of a mountain of personal experience and the author’s own journey on the windy paths of cloud native.
- Andreas Grabner, Dynatrace

Brims with Mauricio’s unique experience, insights, and deep understanding.
- Thomas Vitale, Systematic

For anyone looking to build a modern, cloud native development platform on Kubernetes. An indispensable guide.
- Lance Ball, Red Hat

A comprehensive exploration of platform engineering.
- Carlos Santana, AWS

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1. (The rise of) platforms on top of Kubernetes
  2. Chapter 1. Platforms built on top of Kubernetes
  3. Chapter 1. Platform engineering
  4. Chapter 1. The need for a walking skeleton
  5. Chapter 1. Summary
  6. Chapter 2. Cloud-native application challenges
  7. Chapter 2. Installing the Conference application with a single command
  8. Chapter 2. Inspecting the walking skeleton
  9. Chapter 2. Cloud-native application challenges
  10. Chapter 2. Linking back to platform engineering
  11. Chapter 2. Summary
  12. Chapter 3. Service pipelines: Building cloud-native applications
  13. Chapter 3. Service pipelines
  14. Chapter 3. Conventions that will save you time
  15. Chapter 3. Service pipeline structure
  16. Chapter 3. Service pipelines in action
  17. Chapter 3. Linking back to platform engineering
  18. Chapter 3. Summary
  19. Chapter 4. Environment pipelines: Deploying cloud-native applications
  20. Chapter 4. Environment pipelines in action
  21. Chapter 4. Service + environment pipelines
  22. Chapter 4. Linking back to platform engineering
  23. Chapter 4. Summary
  24. Chapter 5. Multi-cloud (app) infrastructure
  25. Chapter 5. Declarative infrastructure using Crossplane
  26. Chapter 5. Infrastructure for our walking skeleton
  27. Chapter 5. Linking back to platform engineering
  28. Chapter 5. Summary
  29. Chapter 6. Let’s build a platform on top of Kubernetes
  30. Chapter 6. Platform architecture
  31. Chapter 6. Our platform walking skeleton
  32. Chapter 6. Linking back to platform engineering
  33. Chapter 6. Summary
  34. Chapter 7. Platform capabilities I: Shared application concerns
  35. Chapter 7. Standard APIs to separate applications from infrastructure
  36. Chapter 7. Providing application-level platform capabilities
  37. Chapter 7. Linking back to platform engineering
  38. Chapter 7. Summary
  39. Chapter 8. Platform capabilities II: Enabling teams to experiment
  40. Chapter 8. Knative Serving: Advanced traffic management and release strategies
  41. Chapter 8. Argo Rollouts: Release strategies automated with GitOps
  42. Chapter 8. Linking back to platform engineering
  43. Chapter 8. Summary
  44. Chapter 9. Measuring your platforms
  45. Chapter 9. How to measure our platform: CloudEvents and CDEvents
  46. Chapter 9. Keptn Lifecycle Toolkit
  47. Chapter 9. What’s next on the platform engineering journey?
  48. Chapter 9. Final thoughts
  49. Chapter 9. Summary

Product information

  • Title: Platform Engineering on Kubernetes, Video Edition
  • Author(s): Mauricio Salatino
  • Release date: January 2024
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: None