
Chapter 1

1. Wilson (2016).

2. Alred, Brusaw, and Oliu (2006, 265–69).

3. Lewis, Simons, and Fennig (2016).

4. Weiss (2005, 4–7).

5. Weiss (2005, 7).

6. Weiss (2005, 25).

7. Thrush (2001, 293).

8. Weiss (2005, 40).

9. Weiss (2005, 7).

10. Weiss (2005, 7).

11. Richardson (n.d.).

12. Weiss (2005, 53).

13. Richardson (n.d.).

14. Martin (2001, 20–33).

15. Richardson (n.d.).

16. Weiss (2005, 72).

17. Weiss (2005, 73, 74).

18. Weiss (2005, 48).

19. Weinstein (2013).

20. Christensen (n.d.).

21. Badaracco and Rosenbaum (n.d.).

Chapter 2

1. Farace and MacDonald (1974). In this classic study, Farace and MacDonald identified three purposes of organizational communication: production, innovation, and maintenance. Some readers may not readily associate ...

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