PHR Exam Prep: Professional in Human Resources, Third Edition

Book description

Score Higher on the PHR® Exam!

We provide you with the proven study tools and expert insight that will help you score higher on your exam

  • Study Tips like the advice and instruction that a personal tutor might provide

  • Notes, Tips, and Cautions provide you with hints and strategies that will help you reduce your mistakes on the exam

  • Comprehensive discussion of all six functional areas covered on the PHR Exam

  • Practice Questions that include detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers–so you can learn the material from your success and mistakes

  • COMPREHENSIVE! Succeed with comprehensive learning and practice tests

  • Master the PHR exam materials in all six tested functional areas

  • Prepare with a comprehensive practice test

  • Analyze your test readiness and areas for further study with topic-focused chapter tests

  • CD-ROM—based practice exam includes an interactive test engine for a meaningful exam experience with 175 questions

  • Learn important test-taking strategies to maximize your score and diminish your anxiety

  • Pearson IT Certification Practice Test

    The CD-ROM—based practice exam includes an interactive test engine for a realistic exam experience with 175 questions.

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    CATHY LEE PANTANO WINTERFIELD, MBA, MSHE, SPHR, ACC, is President of NovaCore Performance Solutions, a firm dedicated to enhancing individual and team workplace performance. She has more than 25 years of experience in HR, training, consulting, management, and coaching for businesses, non-profits, and governmental entities. She previously served as Director of Human Resource Management Programs for Cornell University’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Winterfield has presented on many HR and management development topics, and co-authored more than a dozen online courses in these fields. Her books include Performance Appraisals and Mission-Driven Interviewing, as well as the Pearson IT Certification books SPHR Exam Prep, Third Edition, PHR/SPHR Quick Reference, and every edition of PHR Exam Prep. She is a member of SHRM, ASTD, and the International Coach Federation.

    Table of contents

    1. About This eBook
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright Page
    4. Contents at a Glance
    5. Table of Contents
    6. About the Author
    7. Dedication
    8. Acknowledgments
    9. About the Reviewer
    10. We Want to Hear from You!
    11. Reader Services
    12. Introduction
      1. About the PHR Credential
      2. Composition of PHR Exam
      3. About This Book
        1. Chapters
        2. Chapter Formats
    13. Information About the PHR Exam
      1. Accreditation
      2. PHR Exam Structure
      3. PHR Exam Format
      4. Study and Exam Prep Tips
      5. Learning Styles
      6. General Study Tips
        1. Macro and Micro Study Strategies
        2. Active Study Strategies
        3. Common Sense Strategies
        4. Design Your Own Personal Study Plan
        5. Assessment Testing
        6. General Test-Taking Tips
      7. PHR-Specific Information, Study, and Test-Taking Tips
        1. PHR Preparation Options
        2. PHR-Specific Test Preparation Tips
        3. Strategies and Tips for PHR Exam Day
      8. Contacting the Author
      9. Frequently Asked Questions
    14. Chapter 1. Business Management and Strategy (BM & S)
      1. The Evolving Role of HR
        1. A Brief Historical Scan of HR
        2. HR As It Was, and HR As It Is (or Can Be)
        3. The HR Impact Model
        4. The Dimensions of HR: The Three Legs of a Stool
        5. SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats)
      2. Environmental Scanning: An External Perspective
        1. The HR Professional as Internal Consultant
      3. Organizational Structure and HR
        1. The “Roots” of Organizational Structure
        2. The Functional Organizational Structure
        3. The Divisional Organizational Structure
        4. The Matrix Organizational Structure
        5. Other Organizational Design Concepts
        6. The Organizational Life Cycle
        7. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, 1954
        8. B.F. Skinner, Operant Conditioning, 1957
        9. Frederick Herzberg, Motivation-Hygiene Theory, 1959
        10. Douglas McGregor, Theory X and Theory Y, 1960
        11. David McClelland, Acquired Needs Theory, 1961
        12. J. Stacy Adams, Equity Theory, 1963
        13. Victor Vroom—Expectancy Theory, 1964
        14. HR’s Role in Change Management
        15. Nonmathematical Forecasting Techniques
        16. Mathematical Forecasting Techniques
      4. Legislative Framework, Considerations, and Opportunities
        1. How a Bill Becomes a Law
        2. Be Heard—Reach Out to Your Elected Officials
        3. Stay Informed
      5. Strategic Planning
        1. Strategic Planning: A Four-Phase Process
        2. Strategic Objectives
      6. Leadership Concepts
        1. Trait Theories
        2. Behavioral Theories
        3. Situational Leadership Theories
        4. Contingency Theories
        5. Management and Leadership: Bridging the Gap
        6. Project Management
        7. Competitive Advantage
        8. Business Case Development
        9. Organizational Branding
      7. Chapter Summary
        1. Key Terms
      8. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Review Questions
        2. Exam Questions
        3. Answers to Review Questions
        4. Answers to Exam Questions
      9. Suggested Readings and Resources
    15. Chapter 2. Workforce Planning and Employment
      1. Relevant Laws and Executive Orders
        1. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, 1964
        2. Executive Order 11246, 1965
        3. Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, 1978
        4. Governing EEO Laws
        5. Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 1967
        6. Fair Credit Reporting Act, 1970
        7. Equal Employment Opportunity Act, 1972
        8. Rehabilitation Act, 1973
        9. Pregnancy Discrimination Act, 1978
        10. Immigration Reform and Control Act, 1986
        11. Drug-Free Workplace Act, 1988
        12. Employee Polygraph Protection Act, 1988
        13. Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, 1988
        14. Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990
        15. Civil Rights Act of 1991
        16. Family and Medical Leave Act, 1993
        17. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 1994
        18. Congressional Accountability Act, 1995
        19. Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, 2008
        20. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 2008
        21. Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, 2009
      2. Relevant Case Law
        1. Griggs v. Duke Power, 1971
        2. McDonnell Douglas Corp v. Green, 1973
        3. Albemarle Paper v. Moody, 1975
        4. Washington v. Davis, 1976
        5. Regents of California v. Bakke, 1978
        6. United Steelworkers v. Weber, 1979
        7. Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, 1986
        8. Johnson v. Santa Clara County Transportation Agency, 1987
        9. Martin v. Wilks, 1988
        10. Automobile Workers v. Johnson Controls, 1990
        11. Harris v. Forklift Systems, 1993
        12. Taxman v. Board of Education of Piscataway, 1993
        13. St. Mary’s Honor Center v. Hicks, 1993
        14. McKennon v. Nashville Banner Publishing Co., 1995
        15. Faragher v. City of Boca Raton, 1998, and Ellerth v. Burlington Northern Industries, 1998
        16. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, 1999
        17. Kolstad v. American Dental Association, 1999
        18. Circuit City Stores, Inc. v. Adams, 2001
        19. Grutter v. Bollinger and Gratz v. Bollinger, 2003
        20. General Dynamics Land Systems v. Cline, 2004
        21. Ricci v. DeStefano, 2009
        22. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc., 2015
      3. Legal Concepts/Definitions Relevant to Workplace Planning and Employment
        1. Equal Employment Opportunity: The Basics
        2. Key EEO-Related Terms
        3. Federal, State, and Local Jurisdictions
        4. Filing Charges: Time Limits and Related Information
        5. EEOC—Handling Charges
        6. EEOC Determinations
        7. EEO—Going to Court
        8. Job Analysis
        9. Job Analysis
        10. Job Descriptions
      4. Recruiting Candidates
        1. Employer Branding
        2. Relevant Labor Market
        3. Selection Criteria
        4. Internal and External Recruiting
        5. Request for Proposal
        6. Preemployment Testing
        7. Measuring Recruiting Costs and Effectiveness
      5. The Selection Process
        1. The Employment Application
        2. Interviews and the Interview Process
        3. Realistic Job Previews
      6. Background Checks
      7. Employment: Extending the Offer
        1. Tips for Extending an Employment Offer
        2. Employment Contracts
      8. Onboarding
        1. The Importance of New Hire Paperwork
      9. Termination: The End of the Employment Life Cycle…or Is It?
        1. Involuntary Terminations
        2. Voluntary Terminations
        3. Constructive Discharge
      10. Exit Interviews
      11. Severance Packages
      12. Affirmative Action Plans
        1. Executive Order 11246
        2. Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act, 1974
      13. Compensation and Benefits
        1. Sherman Antitrust Act, 1890
        2. Equal Pay Act, 1963
        3. Compensation Strategies
      14. Documentation Strategies for HR Professionals
      15. Chapter Summary
      16. Key Terms
      17. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Review Questions
        2. Exam Questions
        3. Answers to Review Questions
        4. Answers to Exam Questions
        5. Suggested Readings and Resources
    16. Chapter 3. Human Resource Development
      1. Understanding HR-Related Laws
        1. U.S. Patent Act, 1790
        2. Copyright Act of 1976
        3. Public Domain
        4. Fair Use
        5. Common Law
        6. Negligent Training
      2. ADDIE: An Overview
        1. ADDIE: “A” Is for Analysis/Assessment
        2. ADDIE: “D” Is for Design
      3. Training
        1. The Adult Learner
        2. Learning Styles: How We Learn
        3. Learning Curves
        4. Retaining What Is Learned
        5. Environmental Factors/Elements to Consider—“Brick and Mortar” Classroom Learning
        6. ADDIE: “D” Is for Development
        7. ADDIE: “I” Is for Implementation
        8. ADDIE: “E” Is for Evaluation
        9. Elements of OD
        10. Purposes of OD
        11. Role of HR Professionals in OD
        12. OD and Organizational Culture
      4. Career Development
      5. Leadership Development
        1. High-Potential Employees
        2. Dual Career Ladders
        3. Succession Planning
        4. Talent Management
        5. Teambuilding
        6. Specific OD Interventions
      6. Performance Management
        1. Performance Management: Its Organizational Roots
        2. The Performance Management Process/System
      7. Coaching and Mentoring
      8. Chapter Summary
        1. Key Terms
      9. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Review Questions
        2. Exam Questions
        3. Answers to Exam Questions
        4. Suggested Readings and Resources
    17. Chapter 4. Compensation and Benefits
      1. Worker’s Compensation
        1. Davis-Bacon Act, 1931
        2. Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act, 1936
        3. Fair Labor Standards Act, 1938
        4. Portal-to-Portal Act, 1947
        5. Equal Pay Act, 1963
        6. Social Security Act, 1935
        7. Unemployment Insurance
        8. Medicare, 1965
        9. Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 1974
        10. Revenue Act, 1978
        11. Retirement Equity Act (REA), 1984
        12. Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA), 1985
        13. Older Worker’s Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA), 1990
        14. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 1996
        15. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), 1993
        16. Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 1994
        17. Mental Health Parity Act, 1996
        18. Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002
        19. Pension Protection Act, 2006
        20. Family and Medical Leave Act and National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 2008
        21. Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, 2009
        22. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, 2010
        23. A (Foundational) Footnote: Employee or Independent Contractor?
      2. Compensation: Building and Using Pay Structures
        1. Elements of Pay Structures
        2. Using Pay Structures for Decision-Making
        3. Other Key Compensation Concepts
        4. Retirement Plans
        5. Health and Welfare Benefits
        6. Pay for Time Not Worked
        7. Work-Life Programs
        8. Employee Assistance Programs
      3. Compensation: Job Evaluation
        1. Nonquantitative Job Evaluation Techniques
        2. Quantitative Job Evaluation Techniques
      4. Market Pricing
        1. Market Data Considerations
        2. Base Pay
        3. Merit Pay
        4. Variable Pay
        5. Making the Connection to Compensation Strategy
      5. Chapter Summary
        1. Key Terms
      6. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Review Questions
        2. Exam Questions
        3. Answers to Review Questions
        4. Answers to Exam Questions
        5. Suggested Readings and Resources
    18. Chapter 5. Employee and Labor Relations
      1. Laws Governing Employee Relations and Labor Relations
        1. Sherman Antitrust Act, 1890
        2. Clayton Act, 1914
        3. Railway Labor Act, 1926
        4. Norris-LaGuardia Act, 1932
        5. National Industrial Recovery Act, 1933
        6. National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act), 1935
        7. Labor Management Relations Act (Taft-Hartley Act), 1947
        8. Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum-Griffin Act), 1959
        9. Federal Labor Relations Statute, 1978
        10. Relevant Case Law
      2. Employee Input
        1. Employee Surveys
        2. Focus Groups
        3. Employee Participation Groups
        4. Open-Door Policy
        5. Suggestion Programs
        6. Management by Walking Around
        7. Town Hall/Department/Staff Meetings
        8. Employee Relations
        9. Internal Considerations
        10. Organizational Culture
      3. Employee Involvement and Employee Communication
        1. Employee Communication Strategies
      4. Measuring Employee Relations Initiatives
        1. Quantitative Analysis
        2. Qualitative Analysis
        3. Turnover Levels
        4. Absenteeism (Particularly Unplanned)
        5. Work-Related Accidents/Injuries/“Preventable” Illnesses
        6. Productivity
        7. Quality
        8. Customer Satisfaction
        9. Employee Survey Results
        10. Return on Investment (ROI)
      5. Employee Handbooks
      6. Progressive Discipline as Employee Relations
      7. Contract Administration
        1. Grievance Procedure
      8. Unions
        1. How Unions Are Structured
        2. Union Organizing (The Organizing Process)
        3. Union Decertification and Deauthorization
        4. Protected Concerted Activities
        5. Labor Strikes
      9. Collective Bargaining: The Process
        1. Good Faith Bargaining
        2. Subjects of Bargaining
        3. Approaches to Collective Bargaining
      10. Collective Bargaining Agreements
        1. Typical Provisions of Collective Bargaining Agreements (Excluding Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures)
      11. Common Law
        1. Common Law—Tort Doctrines
        2. Common Law—Contract Doctrines
      12. Chapter Summary
        1. Key Terms
      13. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Review Questions
        2. Exam Questions
        3. Answers to Review Questions
        4. Answers to Exam Questions
        5. Suggested Readings and Resources
    19. Chapter 6. Risk Management
      1. Key Legislation
        1. Occupational Safety and Health Act, 1970
        2. Mine Safety and Health Act, 1977
        3. Drug-Free Workplace Act, 1988
        4. USA PATRIOT Act, 2001
        5. Homeland Security Act, 2002
        6. Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002
      2. Occupational Health
        1. Health Hazards
        2. Health and Wellness Programs
        3. Chemical Use and Dependency
        4. Work-Related Stress
        5. Worker’s Compensation
        6. Risk Management: A Process Model
        7. Risk Management: Techniques
        8. Employment Practices Liability Insurance
        9. Employee Rights Related to Substance Abuse
        10. Emergency/Business Continuity Planning
        11. Continuity of HR-Related Operations
      3. Safety
        1. OSHA and Workplace Safety
        2. Safety Committees
      4. Security
      5. Chapter Summary
        1. Key Terms
      6. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Review Questions
        2. Exam Questions
        3. Answers to Review Questions
        4. Answers to Exam Questions
        5. Suggested Readings and Resources
    20. Practice Exam
    21. Answers to Practice Exam
      1. Answers at a Glance to Practice Exam
      2. Answers with Explanations
    22. Glossary
    23. Appendix A. OSHA Forms for Recording Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
    24. Appendix B. OSHA Fact Sheet
    25. Index

    Product information

    • Title: PHR Exam Prep: Professional in Human Resources, Third Edition
    • Author(s): Cathy Winterfield
    • Release date: August 2015
    • Publisher(s): Pearson IT Certification
    • ISBN: 9780134060378