


    string number_format ( float num [, int decimals
    [, string decimal_point, string thousands_sep]] )

The number_format() function rounds numbers and adds commas as a thousands separator. You can pass it either one, two, or four parameters:

  • number_format($n) rounds $n to the nearest whole number and adds commas in between thousands. For example:

        $total = 12345.6789;
        echo "Total charge is \$", number_format($total), "\n";

    That will output Total charge is $12,346, because it rounds up to the nearest decimal place.

  • number_format($n,$p) rounds $n to $p decimal places, adding commas between thousands. For example:

        echo "Total charge is \$", number_format($total, 2), "\n";

    This time the output is 12,345.68, as it has been rounded to two decimal places.

  • number_format($n, $p, $t, $d) rounds $n to $p decimal places, using $t as the thousands separator and $d as the decimal separator. For example:

        echo "Total charge is ", number_format($total, 2, ".", ","), " Euros";

    The output is now 12.345,68, which swaps the period and comma, as is the norm in many European countries.

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