File Menu

The commands listed here let you create, import, open, save, and print files.


Choose this menu item if you want to start a new file in Elements. Your options are:

  • Blank File (or press Ctrl+N).

  • Image from Clipboard. This automatically pastes into a new file anything you've copied.

  • Photomerge Group Shot. This lets you move a person from one photo of a group into another photo of the same group (Tidying Up with Scene Cleaner).

  • Photomerge Faces. Use this one to combine parts of different faces for caricatures and other fun effects (Merging Different Faces).

  • Photomerge Scene Cleaner. This feature lets you remove unwanted people or other details from a photo by copying over bits of other photos (Tidying Up with Scene Cleaner).

  • Photomerge Panorama. Use this option to combine your photos into panoramas (Creating Panoramas).

  • Photomerge Exposure. This new feature lets you combine bracketed shots into one properly exposed photo (Blending Exposures).


Choose this menu item or press Ctrl+O to open an existing file.

Open As

This menu option (or Alt+Ctrl+O) lets you choose the format for a file as you open it. Select it when you want to use the Raw Converter with non-Raw formats like JPEG or TIFF (Choosing bit depth: 8 or 16 bits?).

Open Recently Edited File

Here's you'll find a pop-out list of the most recent files you've had open in Elements.


When you need to make a copy of your photo, choose this option. Elements names the copy the same thing as the original with "copy" tacked onto ...

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