Photoshop Elements 7 for Windows: Visual Quickstart Guide

Book description

Photoshop Elements is geared for business users, students, educators, and home users who want professional-looking images for their print and Web projects, but don't want or need the advanced power of Adobe Photoshop. With Photoshop Elements 7 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide, readers can start with a tour of the interface and image-editing basics, or they can look up specific tasks to learn just what they need to know. This task-based, visual reference guide uses step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots to show readers how to capture and import photos, reduce red eye, enhance color, work with layers, and much more. New features coverage includes: applying direct effects with the Adobe Smart Brush, softening surfaces and keeping edges crisp with a new filter, and finding photos easily with keywords. Both beginning and intermediate users will find everything they need here--in straightforward language and with readily accessible examples.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Special Thanks to
  3. i. Introduction
    1. Introducing Photoshop Elements
      1. What’s new in version 7
    2. Personalizing Photoshop Elements
      1. Setting preferences
      2. About presets
      3. About plug-ins
    3. How to Use This Book
      1. Keyboard shortcuts
  4. 1. The Basics
    1. Understanding the Work Area
      1. The Welcome screen
      2. The Organizer and the Editor
      3. Menus, tools, and panels
    2. Opening and Closing Files
      1. To open a file from the Open dialog box
      2. To close a file
    3. Importing Images
      1. To import images from a digital camera (Standard dialog)
      2. To import images from a digital camera (Advanced dialog)
      3. To import images from files or folders
      4. To import images using Watch Folders
      5. To scan an image into the Organizer
      6. To scan an image into the Editor
      7. To capture frames from video footage
    4. Saving Files
      1. To save a file
      2. To save a file in a new format or to a specific location
    5. Selecting Tools
      1. To select a tool from the toolbox
      2. To select a hidden tool
    6. Using the Options Bar
      1. To use the options bar
    7. Working with Palettes
      1. To display a palette
      2. To close a palette
      3. To move a palette out of the Palette Bin
      4. To return a palette to the Palette Bin
      5. To group palettes
      6. To dock palettes
      7. To use palette menus
      8. To return palettes to their default positions
    8. Using the Zoom Tool
      1. To zoom in
      2. To zoom out
      3. To zoom in on a specific area
      4. To display an image at 100 percent
    9. Moving Around in an Image
      1. To view a different area of an image
      2. To change the view using the Navigator palette
    10. Accessing
    11. Using the Inspiration Browser
      1. To use the Inspiration Browser
  5. 2. The Organizer
    1. Understanding the Organizer Work Area
      1. The Photo Browser and timeline
      2. The Organize Bin
    2. Working in the Photo Browser
      1. To select photo thumbnails
      2. To deselect photo thumbnails
      3. To sort photo thumbnails
      4. To resize photo thumbnails
    3. Displaying and Changing Information for Your Photos
      1. To adjust the date and time
      2. To rate a photo
      3. To add a caption to a photo
      4. To rename a photo
      5. To add a note to a photo
    4. Creating Keyword Tags
      1. To create a new keyword tag
      2. To create a tag from a folder
      3. To import tags from other images
      4. To change a tag’s properties
      5. To delete a tag
    5. Using Keyword Tags to Sort and Identify Photos
      1. To attach a tag to a single photo
      2. To attach a tag to multiple photos
      3. To attach a tag to an import batch or folder
      4. To view a set of tagged photos
      5. To remove a tag from a photo
      6. To change a tag’s icon
    6. Using Categories to Organize Tagged Photos
      1. To create a new category
      2. To create a new subcategory
      3. To convert a tag to a subcategory
      4. To assign a tag to a new category or subcategory
      5. To view photos belonging to a category or subcategory
      6. To delete a category or subcategory
    7. Using Albums to Arrange and Group Photos
      1. To create a new album
      2. To view a photo album
      3. To add photos to an album
      4. To arrange photos within an album
      5. To rename an album
      6. To remove photos from an album
      7. To create an album group
      8. To add an album to an album group
      9. To delete an album
    8. Using Smart Albums
      1. To create a smart album
      2. To modify a smart album
      3. To turn an album into a smart album
    9. Finding Photos
      1. To find photos using a text search
      2. To find photos using the timeline
      3. To display photos within a date range
      4. To quickly search by attributes
      5. To find photos in the date view
    10. Using Stacks to Organize Similar Photos
      1. To create a stack
      2. To view all photos in a stack
      3. To flatten a stack
      4. To unstack photos in a stack
    11. Using the Map
      1. To place a photo on the map
      2. To move a location on the map
      3. To remove a photo from the map
    12. Using Catalogs to Store Your Photos
      1. To create a new catalog
      2. To access saved catalogs
      3. To make a backup of a catalog
      4. To restore a catalog from backup
    13. Backing Up Photos Online
      1. To set up backups
      2. Backing up albums
        1. To enable an album for online backup
        2. To view the backup status
        3. To control when backups occur
        4. To stop backing up an album
    14. Synchronizing Photos with
      1. Resolving synchronization issues
        1. To resolve synchronization issues
  6. 3. Creating and Managing Images
    1. Understanding Resolution and Image Size
      1. Pixel basics
      2. Displaying and printing images
    2. Creating a New Image
      1. To create a new image
    3. Changing Image Size and Resolution
      1. To resize an image for screen viewing
      2. To resize an image for printing
    4. Getting Information about Your Image
      1. To use the Info palette
      2. To display different Info palette options
    5. Opening and Arranging Multiple Views
      1. To open multiple views of an image
      2. To arrange multiple views
      3. To close multiple view windows
    6. Using Rulers
      1. To show or hide the rulers
      2. To change the zero point
      3. To change the units of measure
    7. Setting Up the Grid
      1. To show or hide the grid
      2. To change the grid settings
  7. 4. Quick Fix Edits
    1. Making Quick Fix Edits
      1. To edit photos in the Fix pane
      2. Using the Quick Fix editor
        1. To edit photos in Quick Fix
        2. To set view options
      3. Applying Quick Fixes
        1. To reset and undo changes
        2. To crop the image
        3. To remove red eye
        4. To select areas for applying edits
        5. To apply lighting, color, and sharpening fixes
        6. To apply all edits and return to the Organizer
    2. Making Touch Up Edits
      1. To make a Touch Up edit
  8. 5. Making Selections
    1. About the Selection Tools
    2. Using the Marquee Tools
      1. To make a rectangular or elliptical selection
      2. To reposition a selection border
      3. To reposition a selection border while making a selection
    3. Selecting Areas Using the Lasso Tools
      1. To select with the Lasso tool
      2. To select with the Polygonal Lasso tool
      3. To select using the Magnetic Lasso tool
      4. To set Magnetic Lasso tool options
    4. Making Selections by Color
      1. To use the Magic Wand
      2. To expand the selection area
      3. To include similar colors
      4. To use the Quick Selection tool
    5. Using the Selection Brush Tool
      1. To make a selection with the Selection Brush
      2. To make a mask with the Selection Brush
    6. Adjusting Selections
      1. To add to a selection
      2. To subtract from a selection
      3. To select the intersection of two selections
      4. To deselect the current selection
      5. To reselect the last selection
      6. To delete a selection
      7. To hide a selection border
    7. Softening the Edges of a Selection
      1. To smooth jagged edges with anti-aliasing
      2. To feather the edge of a selection
    8. Modifying Selection Borders
      1. To change the width of the border
      2. To smooth the edge of a selection
      3. To expand or contract the selection area
  9. 6. Fixing and Retouching Photos
    1. Cropping an Image
      1. To crop an image using the Crop tool
      2. To resize an image to specific dimensions using the Crop tool
      3. To crop an image using the Rectangular Marquee tool
    2. Straightening a Crooked Photo
      1. To use the Straighten tool
      2. To straighten a scanned image
      3. To straighten a scanned image using the Crop tool
    3. Repairing Flaws and Imperfections
      1. To retouch an image with the Clone Stamp tool
      2. To copy images from one picture to another with the Clone Stamp tool
      3. To clean up small areas with the Spot Healing Brush tool
      4. To remove flaws with the Healing Brush tool
    4. Applying Patterns
      1. To apply a pattern to a selected area with the Paint Bucket tool
      2. To apply a pattern with the Pattern Stamp tool
    5. Correcting Red Eye
      1. To remove red eye from a photograph
    6. Sharpening Image Detail
      1. To sharpen an image
    7. Enhancing Image Detail
      1. To blur a specific area or object
      2. To sharpen a specific area or object
    8. Blending with the Smudge Tool
      1. To use the Smudge tool
    9. Using the Tonal Adjustment Tools
      1. To lighten a portion of an image with the Dodge tool
      2. To darken a portion of an image with the Burn tool
      3. To adjust the color saturation with the Sponge tool
    10. Erasing Backgrounds and Other Large Areas
      1. To use the Background Eraser tool
    11. Removing a Foreground Image from Its Background
      1. To use the Magic Extractor tool
    12. Removing Objects from a Scene
      1. To remove objects from a scene
    13. Compositing Images
      1. To replace part of an image with another image
    14. Merging Portions of Multiple Photos
      1. To merge portions of multiple photos
    15. Using the Smart Brush
      1. To apply a Smart Paint effect
      2. To edit a Smart Paint selection area
      3. To change Smart Paint settings
    16. Creating Panoramas
      1. Taking pictures for panoramas
      2. Assembling images into a panorama
        1. To create a panorama
      3. Adjusting images using the Interactive Layout
        1. To reposition images in the panorama
      4. Enhancing perspective
        1. To add perspective to a panorama
  10. 7. Changing and Adjusting Colors
    1. About Color Models and Color Modes
      1. Color Modes
        1. To change color mode
      2. Managing color
        1. To choose color settings
    2. Converting to Black and White
      1. To convert an image to black and white
    3. Removing Color
      1. To apply the Remove Color command
    4. About Tonal Correction
      1. Understanding histograms
    5. Adjusting Camera Raw Photos
      1. To adjust camera raw images
    6. Adjusting Levels Automatically
      1. To apply Auto Levels to an image
      2. To apply Auto Contrast to an image
    7. Adjusting Levels Manually
      1. To adjust the tonal range
    8. Adjusting Lighting
      1. To lighten detail in shadow
    9. Adjusting Color
      1. To adjust color with the Auto Color Correction command
      2. To adjust color using color curves
      3. To adjust color in an image based on skin tones
      4. To remove color cast with the Color Variations dialog
    10. Replacing Color
      1. To replace color across an entire image
      2. To replace color in a specific area of an image
    11. Adding a Color Tint to an Image
      1. To colorize a large area of an image
  11. 8. Working with Layers
    1. Understanding Layers
    2. Using the Layers Palette
      1. To view the Layers palette
      2. To view the Layers palette menu
    3. Layer Basics
      1. To create a new layer
      2. To select a layer
      3. To show or hide a layer
      4. To delete a layer
    4. Changing the Layer Order
      1. To change the layer order by dragging
      2. To change the layer order by arranging
    5. Managing Layers
      1. To rename a layer
      2. To link layers
      3. To lock all pixels on a layer
      4. To lock transparent pixels on a layer
    6. Merging Layers
      1. To merge one layer with another
      2. To merge multiple layers
      3. To flatten an image
    7. Converting and Duplicating Layers
      1. To convert a selection to a layer
      2. To duplicate a layer
      3. To convert a background to a layer
      4. To convert a layer to a background
    8. Copying Layers Between Images
      1. To drag and drop a layer from the Layers palette
      2. To drag and drop a layer using the Move tool
      3. To copy and paste a layer between images
    9. Transforming Layers
      1. To scale a layer image
      2. To rotate a layer image
      3. To distort a layer image
      4. To align or distribute layer objects
    10. About Opacity and Blending Modes
      1. To set a layer’s opacity
      2. To apply a blending mode to a layer
    11. Creating Masking Effects with Layer Groups
      1. To create a layer group
      2. To ungroup layers
    12. Applying Effects with Layer Styles
      1. To apply a layer style
      2. To remove a layer style
      3. To edit a layer style
    13. The Style Settings Dialog
      1. To simplify a layer
    14. Making Color and Tonal Changes with Adjustment Layers
      1. To create an adjustment layer
      2. To apply an adjustment layer to a single layer
    15. Using the Undo History Palette
      1. To navigate through the Undo History palette
      2. To delete a state
      3. To clear the Undo History palette
  12. 9. Filters and Effects
    1. Using the Effects Palette
      1. To view the Effects palette
      2. To change the number of filters or effects displayed in the palette
      3. To change the palette view
    2. Applying Filters and Effects
      1. To apply a filter
      2. To apply effects
    3. Simulating Action with the Blur Filters
      1. To add a motion blur to an image
      2. To add a circular blur to an image
    4. Distorting Images
      1. To distort an image with the Liquify filter
      2. To undo changes
      3. To undo all Liquify changes
    5. Correcting Camera Distortion
      1. To correct camera distortion
    6. Creating Lights and Shadows
      1. To add lighting effects to an image
      2. Light styles and types
        1. Lighting styles
        2. Light types
        3. Light properties
        4. To add a lens flare
  13. 10. Painting and Drawing
    1. About Bitmap Images and Vector Graphics
    2. Filling Areas with Color
      1. To fill a selection or layer with color
      2. To apply fill color with the Paint Bucket tool
    3. Filling Areas with a Gradient
      1. To apply a gradient fill
    4. Adding a Stroke to a Selection or Layer
      1. To apply a stroke
      2. To create a decorative border
    5. Using the Brush Tool
      1. To paint with the Brush tool
    6. Creating and Saving Custom Brushes
      1. To create a custom brush
      2. To create a brush from a photographic object
      3. Managing brush sets
        1. To create a new brush set
    7. Creating Special Painting Effects
      1. To paint with the Impressionist Brush tool
    8. Erasing with Customizable Brush Shapes
      1. To use the Eraser tool
    9. Understanding Shapes
    10. Drawing Basic Shapes
      1. To draw a shape
    11. Transforming Shapes
      1. To scale a shape
      2. To rotate a shape
      3. To distort a shape
    12. Creating Custom Shapes
      1. To add a shape to an existing shape
      2. To combine multiple shapes
      3. To draw a custom shape
      4. To convert a vector shape to a bitmap
    13. Using the Cookie Cutter Tool
      1. To mask an image with the Cookie Cutter tool
  14. 11. Working with Type
    1. Creating and Editing Text
      1. To add text to an image
      2. To edit text
      3. To move text
      4. To simplify a type layer
    2. Changing the Look of Your Type
      1. To select text
      2. To choose the font family and style
      3. To change the font size
      4. To change the line spacing
      5. To apply underline or strikethrough
      6. To change the alignment
      7. To change the text color
    3. Working with Vertical Text
      1. To create vertical text
      2. To change the orientation of the text
    4. Anti-aliasing Type
      1. To turn anti-aliasing off and on
    5. Warping Text
      1. To warp text
      2. To remove text warp
    6. Creating Text Effects Using Type Masks
      1. To create a selection with the type mask tools
      2. To fill a text selection with an image
      3. To apply a gradient to a text selection
    7. Applying Layer Styles to Type
      1. To apply a layer style to type
  15. 12. Preparing Images for the Web
    1. Understanding Image Requirements for the Web
    2. About the Save for Web Dialog
    3. Optimizing an Image for the Web
      1. To save an image for the Web
    4. Adjusting Optimization Settings
      1. To apply custom JPEG optimization settings to an image
      2. To apply custom GIF optimization settings to an image
    5. Making a Web Image Transparent
      1. To apply transparency to an image
    6. Previewing an Image
      1. To preview an image in a Web browser
      2. To preview an image as it would display on older monitors
  16. 13. Saving and Printing Images
    1. Understanding File Formats
      1. Photoshop
      2. BMP
      3. Photoshop EPS
      4. Photoshop PDF
      5. TIFF
      6. JPEG and GIF
    2. Setting Preferences for Saving Files
      1. To set the Saving Files preferences
    3. Formatting and Saving Multiple Images
      1. To batch process multiple files
    4. Creating a Contact Sheet
      1. To make a contact sheet
    5. Creating a Photographer’s Picture Package
      1. To make a picture package
    6. Printing an Image
      1. To print an image from the Editor
      2. To position an image on a page
      3. To resize an image
      4. Setting additional printing options
        1. To add a stroked border
        2. To add crop marks
        3. To add a label
    7. Ordering Prints
      1. To set up contacts
      2. To order prints
  17. 14. Sharing Your Images
    1. Making Your Own Slide Show
      1. To create a PDF slide show
      2. To add photos to the slide show
      3. To reorder slides
      4. To edit slide transitions
      5. To add text to a slide
      6. To save a slide show
      7. To output a slide show
      8. To view a slide show
    2. Creating an Online Album
      1. To create an Online Album
      2. To edit a shared album
      3. To stop sharing an album
    3. Uploading to a Photo Sharing Service
      1. To upload to a photo sharing service
    4. Sending Images by E-mail
      1. To attach a simple photo to e-mail
      2. To add or edit recipients
      3. To attach a photo on custom stationery to e-mail
  18. A. Editor Keyboard Shortcuts
  19. B. Organizer Keyboard Shortcuts

Product information

  • Title: Photoshop Elements 7 for Windows: Visual Quickstart Guide
  • Author(s): Jeff Carlson
  • Release date: October 2008
  • Publisher(s): Peachpit Press
  • ISBN: 9780321606631