Saving Files

After you’ve put a ton of work into whipping up a lovely creation, don’t forget to save it or you’ll never see it again. As in any program, be sure to save early and often so your efforts don’t go to waste if your computer crashes or the power goes out.


Photoshop sports a life-saving Auto Recovery feature that automatically saves a backup copy of your document every 10 minutes (though you can change that interval; see the box on Photoshop’s Magical Auto Recovery). You can also keep working while Photoshop saves your file in the background, meaning you don’t have to wait until it’s finished to do something else. Even slicker is the ability to trigger yet another document save before the first one finishes!

The simplest method is to choose File→Save or press ⌘-S (Ctrl+S). If you haven’t previously saved the file, Photoshop summons the Save As dialog box so you can pick where to save the file, give it a name, and choose a file format (your options are explained in the next section). If you have already saved the file, Photoshop replaces the previously saved version with the current version without asking if that’s what you want to do. In some situations, that’s fine, but it can be disastrous if you wanted to keep more than one version of the document.


When you’re saving files, it’s best to leave the file extension (the period and three letters, like .psd, or .jpg) on the end of the file name. The file extension makes it easier for your computer to tell what kind of ...

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