50 Patterned bokeh
Quality blurring
Kevin Meredith
The Idea
Before you can get to grips with patterned bokeh, you need to know what bokeh is. The term "bokeh" is derived from the Japanese word for "blur" and is used by photographers to refer to the out-of-focus areas in a photograph. If a point of light is out of focus in an image it will turn into a big circle; with patterned bokeh you can turn these circles into any shapes you want, without the use of image-manipulation software.
Carousel Lights I turned the out-of-focus lights on a carousel into arrows by placing a cutout ol an arrow shape on the lens.
The Ingredients
- ▶ SLR and prime lens with a wide maximum aperture
- ▶ Black card
- ▶ Scalpel or craft knife
- ▶ Fairy lights (optional)
The Process ...
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