Personal Knowledge Capital

Book description

Intangible value leads to new insights and ideas, and higher levels of creativity and innovative thinking. Personal knowledge capital focuses on the knowledge worker, knowledge creation, and third generation knowledge management. A focus on the ‘inner and outer’ aspects of personal knowledge capital creates a balanced approach in order to produce creative solutions. As such this forms part of a synthesis of mind versus body thinking in relation to knowledge creation theory within knowledge management. This title is divided into two sections: the inner and outer path. The inner path focuses on tacit knowledge in knowledge creation, and highlights the importance of inner value, resulting in a model for personal knowledge awareness. The outer path explores how to effectively communicate and exploit knowledge in a modern business world, both online and offline. This section focuses on valuing intangibles including social capital, relationships and trust, exploring community, conversation, infrastructure and ecologies for a web world. You can manage your own assets through your communities and networks, exploiting the latest technologies around you.

  • Examines know-how, tacit knowledge, and emotional and cognitive knowledge
  • Links social capital to web technologies to create innovative frameworks, tools and models
  • Puts forward tools and mechanisms supported by research, which can be used for the design of a knowledge infrastructure

Table of contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. List of figures and tables
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Preface
  9. About the author
  10. Part 1: The inner path of knowledge creation
    1. Chapter 1: Introduction to personal knowledge capital
      1. Abstract:
      2. Knowledge management and knowledge creation
      3. The knowledge worker
      4. Knowledge management in a web environment
      5. Personal knowledge management
      6. Introduction to personal knowledge capital
      7. Summary
    2. Introduction
    3. Chapter 2: Exploring knowledge creation tacit knowledge
      1. Abstract:
      2. Knowledge creation and SECI
      3. Summary
    4. Chapter 3: Tuning-in: knowingness for inner personal knowledge capital
      1. Abstract:
      2. Living and sensing
      3. The inner realm
      4. Tuning into feelings and heart
      5. Zen: quiet time for creativity (the tools for personal knowledge)
      6. Summary
      7. Reflective exercises
    5. Chapter 4: Mastering self and behaviour
      1. Abstract:
      2. The power of thought
      3. Pruning the garden of your mind
      4. The emotional wheel
      5. Think, feel and behave
      6. Summary
      7. Reflective self-assessment questions
    6. Chapter 5: Ka, the knowledge awareness model for knowledge creation
      1. Abstract:
      2. Developing knowingness
      3. Ka: the knowledge awareness model of knowledge creation
      4. ‘Ka’, the knowledge awareness model of knowledge creation incorporates the LOFT
      5. Summary
      6. Reflective exercises
  11. Part 2: The outer path of personal knowledge capital in a web environment
    1. Introduction
    2. Chapter 6: Personal knowledge and network building
      1. Abstract:
      2. Good relationships and caring environments
      3. Shadow knowledge
      4. Valuing personal knowledge
      5. Reflective practice (business practice tools)
      6. Summary
      7. Exercises for self-assessment
    3. Chapter 7: Social capital and trust for a web environment
      1. Abstract:
      2. Intellectual capital
      3. Social capital
      4. Social capital and the virtual environment
      5. Relationships and trust
      6. Trust, conversation and learning in the online environment
      7. Summary
      8. Exercises
    4. Chapter 8: The magic box
      1. Abstract:
      2. Ideas
      3. Conversation
      4. Knowledge, blogs and social interaction
      5. Summary
      6. Exercises
    5. Chapter 9: Community and culture
      1. Abstract:
      2. Community, trust and social capital
      3. Types of web-based community
      4. Communities of practice
      5. The e-learning community
      6. The wisdom community
      7. The knowledge community
      8. The network community
      9. Culture
      10. Assessing organisational cultural readiness for knowledge sharing
      11. Summary
      12. Reflective exercises
    6. Chapter 10: Mobilising and designing the web infrastructure for twenty-first-century living
      1. Abstract:
      2. Knowledge-based systems and value added
      3. Knowledge and interactivity online
      4. The infrastructure and ecology for knowledge-based systems (IEKBS)
      5. Pruning the garden
      6. Summary
      7. Reflective exercises
    7. Chapter 11: The application and exploration of knowledge creation theory
      1. Abstract:
      2. The Unified Model of Knowledge Creation
      3. The SECI model
      4. The changing nature of the Ba metaphor
      5. ‘Ba’, changing labels, and virtual interaction
      6. Valuing Knowledge Creation Assets (KCAs)
      7. The application of Knowledge Creation Assets in virtual space
      8. The management of the knowledge creation theory
      9. Managing the virtual environment
      10. Summary
      11. Reflective exercises
    8. Chapter 12: The Knowledge Cube: a model for knowledge creation in the web environment
      1. Abstract:
      2. The Knowledge Cube processes
      3. Summary
    9. Conclusion: the inner and outer path of knowledge creation
      1. Inner personal knowledge capital
      2. The outer path of personal knowledge capital
      3. Balancing, valuing and exploiting your personal knowledge capital
      4. Summary
  12. Glossary
  13. References
  14. Index

Product information

  • Title: Personal Knowledge Capital
  • Author(s): Janette Young
  • Release date: July 2012
  • Publisher(s): Chandos Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781780633664