Chapter 13
Your Visual Identity: Making Your Mark on Your Brand Environment
In This Chapter
Envisioning the design of your brand
Creating a logo and selecting colors, fonts, and images for your brand
Designing business cards, stationery, brochures, and more
Building your brand online
Setting the look of your workspace environment
In Chapter 12, I share lots of ideas about why your physical appearance matters and how to make sure that your appearance communicates your brand. In this chapter, I also focus on appearance — this time illustrating how to get the rest of your brand environment (your printed and online marketing materials, as well as your workspace) to visually represent your brand.
I give all this attention to appearance not because I’m shallow (or because I have a grudge against ears, noses, tongues, or fingers), but because people make so many consumer decisions based on what they see. You can’t smell a website, and you can’t hear a brochure. But you certainly can see ...
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